LS 1433/1-2
Leabhar Aicill
fol. membr., s. xv.
The legal tracts are transcribed by O'Donovan in vols. 5 and 6 of No. 1424.
1. ff. 10. 15½" × 10½".
Fragments of the Brehon Laws, with gloss and comments :—
p.1. On the judgements of cotenancy, beginning imperfect. The text and gloss are printed in A. L. I. iv, pp. 96-157, supplemented from other sources. p. 6, col.2. of taking lawful possession = A. L. I., vol. iv, p. 2 seq. p. 8, col. 2, I. ⁊ from bottom (of text), beginning of 'bescna,' A. L. I. iv, pp. 32-64. p. 11, col. 2. Of confirmation of right and laws : A. L. I. v., p. 469-492. p. 19. Of removal of covenants : A. L. I. v., p. 496-516.
On p. 13 m. inf. the signature of the scribe Fergus mac Aodhagáin.
On p. 19 m. inf. in a later hand a note ending misi donnchu (?) anno domini 1442.
2. ff. 20. 13¾" × 9¼".
p. 21 The Book of Aicill : Laws attributed to King Cormac mac Airt, with gloss and commentary. Incomplete. The Preface is given by O'Curry, 'Materials,' p. 511, and translation, ibid., p. 47. The entire is published (with translation) in the Ancient Laws of Ireland, vol. iii.
3. 16 ff. 11¼" × 8½" in a separate cover.
p. 61 . The Leabhar Gabhala, imperfect. This is a copy of the same recension as the Stowe MS. D. iv. 3, D. v. 1, and D. iv. 1. See van Hamel in ZCP. x. 99, 103. Scribal notes occur :—
p. 64 a, y-z. Misi Torna do Muircertach.
p. 78 b (at foot, in hand later than text). Ag so leabar Muirgesa ruaidh úi Máoilchonaire gid be ar bith ait a ngebthar sé.
p. 80 b, y. uch is curtha ataim a ros muinech dam aniu ⁊ is fada ataid.
p. 81 b, z. Misi Muircertach dograibh.