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LS 1336/1-6 (An Seanchus Mór)


LS 1336


Folios 1-89; cols 1-350.

A volume made up of several distinct books or tracts of different sizes. The Seanchus Mór, said to contain the body of Irish Laws as modified after the introduction of Christianity. See TCD MS 1316. See Petrie, Trans. R.I. A., vol. xviii. Memoir on Tara. He gives the prefatory matter, pp. 76-78. The penmanship is fine and many of the capitals are ornamented with red, green, and silver. In some of the initial letters grotesque figures of animals are introduced. There is a copious gloss. From a note at the bottom of p.1 we learn that the volume belonged to Duald Mac Firbis in 1666: Dubaltach mac Giolla Iosa Mhóir mhic an Dubhaltaigh mhic Sémuis Mhic Fhirbisigh Leacáin idtir Fhiachrach fear an leabhair si. Anno Xri 1666.

Scribes & marginalia

It is likely that no part of this MS was written earlier than the 16th century. Notes by different scribes abound, except towards the end of the volume, and are often difficult to read or interpret. Cols. 1-350 seems to be the work of two scribes: Seán Mac Aedagáin, who calls himself Seán rúad (marginal note, 161) or Seán Mac Domnaill (marginal note, 120); the other, also a Mac Aedagáin, signs as "an Cosnamach" at the foot of cols. 9 and 227, at the top of 285, etc: in a marginal note at 325 he calls himself "an Constantinus". Abbott (col. 311) identifies the two men, but see 272z : in Cosnamach qui scribsit do Shean, and 312: Sin duit a Seaain ruaid. Several other persons are mentioned, no doubt fellow scribes. Two notes are addressed to Seán dond (159z, 161 marginal note), Connla (marginal note, 300), Saerbrethach (marginal note 305-6).

TCD MS 1336 is almost entirely in Irish (see T.K. Abbott and E.J. Gwynn, 'Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin', (Dublin and London, 1921), 125-139, 355-358; R.O. Dougan, 'A Descriptive Guide to Twenty Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin', second edition, (Dublin, 1958), no. 19) but does include in Latin the following, described in M.L. Colker, 'Trinity College Dublin Library: Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Latin Manuscripts', (Dublin, 1991):

5:198 (col. 681). Added in a 16th-century secretary hand on a leaf originally blank. Prayer (cf. Albinia de la Mare, 'Catalogue of the Collection of Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by James P.R. Lyell', (Oxford, 1971), 373 nos. 93-95): Deus propicius esto michi peccatori et custos mei omnibus diebus uite mee, deus Abraham deus Ysaac et deus Iacob miserere mei ? intercedente gloriosa virgine Maria cum omni societate celesti sancte Michael sancte Gabriel sancte Raphael omnes sancti angeli et archangeli dei succurrite michi - salua me omnibus diebus uite mee. Amen. Per.

Phyiscal Description Quarto.

The general size of the manuscript averages 9" × 6", except columns 681-710, which are 9.5" × 7". The numbers usually refer to columns, but on occasion to pages. The total number of folios is 242.5, besides the smaller slips mentioned in this catalogue. The last page is numbered 874.

Custodial History

Part of the manuscript collection belonging to the Welsh antiquary Edward Lhuyd (1660-1709). The collection of 44 manuscripts came to Trinity College Library in October 1786 from the Library of Sir John Sebright. Several of the primary Irish legal texts are part of Lhuyd's collection.

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Public Note

For TCD MS 1336 see M. McNamara, 'The Psalms in the Early Irish Church', (Sheffield, 2000), 359; 'Medioevo latino' 23 (2002) no. 3787.

Cols. 80, 81 , foot: Digluim .i. delb induine do digluim .i. do tuired amail ata. Suairc delb do bui for eua .i. folt buide, bia duba, baill gela, etc. See Irische Texte, iii. 30.

Col. 127 , a gloss written in Corc(o) Baiscinn.

Col. 161 , A notice at the bottom of col. 161 informs us that this part of the volume was transcribed by John Mac Egan, of Ormond; and from other memoranda at the bottom of cols. 193 , 194 .,

Col. 223 , At the top it appears that it was transcribed in Leinster, and belonged to Edmond O'Doran, who was hereditary Brehon of that province. In the mem. on 193, 194 the scribe excuses his bad writing by the badness of the ink and the coldness of the weather, which was Christmas time: Fuain don chaidirne sin aniu in ratharund andiaidh nollog mor ⁊ anichtar Laigen do tindscra ⁊ a Tuaim ard do forbad ⁊ is olc in litie ⁊ ní mé is cinntach acht olcus in duibh ⁊ fuaire na aimsire.

Col. 287 , Their is a similar complaint, ach olcus in duibh ⁊ in meamruim. (There are marginal notes on col. 195z , a note written at Cellraide Ruagh; and on col. 224 , A Leaphar Emainn í Deóráin an ran sin). This tract ends col. 225 .

Col. 254 , the relative duties of the chieftain and his subjects.

Reproduced for the Brehon Law Commission: see TCD MS 1424. O'Donovan (O'D) in Ancient Laws of Ireland (A.L.I.), A. Thom: Dublin (1865-1901), vol. i. Col. 160 (full page), in top margin: Incipit do gnimuibh giall annso. O'D. 199.

Col. 255-303 . A Law tract (called the Sechta, or Heptads) in the same hand, written in capital letters, with a copious interlinear gloss. Ends imperfect. See TCD MS 1424, O'D. 330. A.L.I., vol. V. There are also the following marginal notes: col. 265 ending: a cluain na g[c]aisell damh.

Col. 277-8 . A n-Achu Madh mo locc & Simon ar ndul don Teampall mór (Templemore, co. Tipperary) ⁊ Donnchadh liath ⁊ Brian Albanach ag imirt orduighthi ("playing at orders", O'Don.) misi an Cosnamaigh.

Col. 296 . A marginal note by Cosnamach: a níbh Cairidhin (Ikerrin, co Tipperary).

Col. 304 . The Bretha Comhaithchesa, or Judgments of Cotenancy. See TCD MS 1337, p.14, and Ancient Laws of Ireland, vol. iv. TCD MS 1424, O'D. 400.

Col. 305-6 , marginal note: A laoigis damh a farradh Saoeirbreathaigh ⁊ is mór conblicht í Mhorrdha ⁊ mic Gilla fPathraicc re cheile (Leix, in Queen's Co.).

Col. 311 . Of taking possession of land. There are sundry whimsical remarks of the scribe (John Cosnavy) in the margin. It appears that he moved from place to place while copying the MS., some staves being written at [Achamaw], some at Castle Fleming, etc. No. 1424, O'D. 409. A.L.I., vol. iv.

Col. 312 and 315 , at foot, two marginal notes written at Castle Fleming (in Queen's Co., near Rathdowney).

Col. 339 , the scribe writes that Mac William "is after burning Corcamoe (east Galway).

Col. 341 . A tract relating to prescriptions, lapses, etc: Fuasluicte cach rurud. TCD MS 1424, O'D. 444.

Col. 349 . On the classification of tribes in a territory; impf. For a complete copy, see TCD MS 1316, p. 13. TCD MS 1424, O'D. 454.

MS 1336/2


Folios 90-111; cols 351-430.

Col. 351 . (In a different hand.) Another copy of the Heptads; the text in capitals, with a gloss and commentary in small letters interlined. O'D. 457. A. L. I., vol. v.

Col. 393 . Part of the Seanchus Mór, the text in full, in capitals, with gloss and commentary in small letters interlined. The text corresponds with that of col. 13 to col. 60 above, and some defects of that copy may be supplied from this. O'D. 490.

Col. 413 . The tract on landlord and tenant contained in TCD MS 1316, pp.15; in capital letters with copious commentary in small letters, 5 ff., apparently of the sixteenth century. In a memorandum at the bottom of 427, 428 the scribe laments the slaying of the children of Turlogh Buidhe [O'Brien] by the son of O'Lochlainn, and gives his own name; Carbre, the son of Shane [Mac Egan]. From a memorandum at the foot of col. 430 , it appears that when this memorandum was written, the tract consisted of 108 ff. O'D. 508.

Between cols. 428 and 429 there is a slip dated 1663 acknowledging receipt of 6 shillings by John Crawford, esq., of the mil of Garvaughy, from Donell o Dawley. The MS was at this date probably in the possession of D. MacFirbis: see Dr. Abbott's Marginalia.

The note at col. 430 "Constat fol. 108" is in Lhyud's hand and does not imply that this particular tract ever contained 108 leaves.

MS 1336/3


Folios 112-183; cols 431-644.

Cols. 431 - 468 . A fragment consisting of 14 ff. of larger size than the preceding, with some small bits inserted in several places. It contains a commentary on various articles of the Brehon Laws, on rules of evidence, and of pleading, and gives very curious explanations of old words and phrases long obsolete. O'D. 531.

Between 436 , 437 two slips inserted, one beginning: ISedh is cin in dethbire a cain lanamhna, O'D. 550; the other beginning: robudh leth .i. cethri ba ⁊ samaisc .i. a crolighe bais aenur. O'D. 551. The second slip is signed: mise aedhagan. This Aedagán (no doubt MacEgan) signs again at foot of 439 , giving his location as "Caillín (?) fada rúad" and adding a note about Donnchad MacEgan, and a prayer for the soul of Fergus MacEgan of Dún D(aighre), with the date 1577. This scribe wrote 431 to 468 (except 365-6 ): see Dr. Abbott's Marginalia. (the note there quoted from col. 448 ends formach in feisin, "issue of the same", ie. "son of Aodhagán"). The slip between 454 and 455 ends with a note by him, dated 1577 (not 1571), deploring the death of William, son of Donnchadh riabach O'Kelly. It is, perhaps, the same Aedagán, using a differently sloped hand, who wrote most of 469 - 633 , two or three years earlier. His note at 511 - 512 is dated from the house of Domnall glas in Clann macne Eogain, ie. Clonmacnoone on the river Suck. This may explain the words: misi ara cothr - in an obscure gloss at the foot of 537-8 .

A scribe who calls himself Gabrial and who wrote an unmistakable script, assisted the Aedagán of 431 seq: see the notes cited by Dr. Abbott at 449 and 465 . His hand is easily recognisable here and there in the part of the second Aedagán, eg. at 562 : here, however (last line), he signs as Muircertach, so Gabrial must be a nom de plume.

A third scribe, Eogan mac Domnaill glais, contributes a few columns, and signs at the foot of 573 and 576 .

Col. 437 . On forfeiture of land for crimes: Doni tét in fearann a cionta. O'D. 549. A.L.I., iv. 264. Col. 438 , line 12. Paragraph on the cóir, or proper harmony of the harp. See Eugene O'Curry, On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish ('Manners'), (1873). iii. 255.

Between 440 and 441 are two slips, one headed: Dond dfagbail a comocus, O'D. 568; the other (lengthwise) beginning: fher lais i fuirecar gath ina tigh, O'D. 570.

Col. 445 . There is a chasm between 444 and 445; the latter treats of compurgation, wanting the beginning. There is a good copy in TCD MS 1337, p. 294.

Col. 447 . Laws relating to arson. O'D. 589.

Col. 448 (top marg., a note): Fechain duibh ⁊ dar lem is fí misi Aodhagan for machine feisin.

Col. 449 . The Cain lanamhna, containing the Law of Marriage, also of the relative duties of landlord and tenant, master and servant, abbot and monk.

Between cols. 450 , 451 is a slip, beginning: In senectute legetem [legitime] honorem conseqiii non poterit qui adolosenciam, etc. On the verso of this slip, inserted between the pages numbered 449, 450, and 451, 452 is a short notice, in a different hand, of the reason why the Pope gave Ireland to the king of England. See above. TCD MS 1317. O'D. 594. Under this is a memorandum (in Irish) in the same hand, dated a.d. 1577: 'That is a bad little scrap for thee, O Egan, from Gabrial, etc'; and under this another in the hand of the transcriber of the whole tract: ' It is easy to know Gabrial's part here, whatever be the reason.' At the bottom of cols. 465, 466 is another memorandum in the handwriting of the same Gabrial who transcribed the whole of that page ' in a hurry and with a bad pen, A.D. 1577.'

Between cols. 454 , 455 is a slip containing definitions of the seven liberal arts, dated 1571.

Col. 457 . A Law tract relating to distress, etc. O'D. 610.

Cols. 461, 462 , the writing inverted.

Col. 463 is headed: Do fastad tuinidhe sund.

Col. 467 . Of dissolving a contract, and of the duty of a Brehon; begins imperfect. Compare TCD MS 1337. O'D. 627.

Col. 469 . A Law tract, in a different hand, headed: Dia fir cia is breitheamh in gach cúis, i.e. 'To know who is judge in every cause.' In margin: Bretha neimed Tuaithe so. It occupies 173 cols, closely written.

Several cols. ( 487 - 496 are numbered in duplicate, and there are a few pages with only one col.

Col. 483 . Laws relating to theft, relations between Church and Tribe, and the nature of evidence. O'D. 649.

Between 484 , 485 , a slip inserted, beginning: no (qu. do) ni airceltar ar do tír. O'D. 653.

Cols. 493, 494 [anso an]. Sin becan do dhroch litir o Aodhagan la droch aidhme uile for a leabhar féin ⁊ a mainisdir o Cormacáin in chúl ráimh ⁊ a trosdán in bhél ráimh ⁊ tabradh gach aon léighfear a sgath ar manmainse féin ⁊ ar anmain Mairgréige ing?ne in iarla, rodbath 1574 (?): "The Abbey Gormagan is in Co. Galway where a branch of the MacEgans was located". O'D.

At the bottom of 493, 494 is a memorandum showing that it was transcribed by Aodhagan (probably Egan MacEgan) in the year 1574(?).

At the bottom of 501, 502 the scribe gives his curse to 'Cormac, the blind, in the year 1575.' At the bottom of 511, 512 he signs himself Egan, son of Conor. On a slip inserted between 515, 516 , and 517, 518 , the same scribe writes a note saying: 'Terrible news from the territory of Ele, viz. that Cian, the son of Tadhg, son of Donogh O'Carroll, was killed by The O'Carroll (William Odhar), and many of his people along with him, and in my opinion this is but paying the tithes. I am Egan, son of Conor, etc'. Dated, 1575. Gach aon leigfes so a bennacht.

Col. 505 . An abridgment of the Heptads. O'D. 089. A.L.I., vol. V.

Col. 511 . Do breitheamhnus for geallaibh sisanaigh. In margin: Trian medhonach senchura so. (This note occurs frequently.) O'D. 697. A.L.I., v. 186.

Col. 519 . Bretha neimed tuaithe so, beginning: Airgille co treisi. O'D. 710.

Between 520 and 521 is a slip of paper, beginning: Cis lir ernaile a mbésgna. O'D. 716.

Col. 521 . Incipit do tabarta ada diles ⁊ ada indiles siosanaigh. O'D. 714. (In margin as col. 511 .) Col. 524 . Do breitheamhnus for finibh isle siosana. O'D. 718.

Col. 527 . In margin: Corus fine so. O'D. 654.

Col 527 . Near foot in margin: Cain fuithribhe so. Beg: Ní saor mach neg ceneoil na benar cuic raith cétach srl. O'D. 724.

Col. 528 . The scribe writes: sellach do sin misi Aodagan ⁊ is mór mo naire. Then proceeds: do bhreitheamhnus for na huilibh chintaibh do ní gach cintach siosanaigh. Begins: Cis lir fodla for cintaibh cach cintai. O'D. 724. A.L.I., iv. 240.

Col. 535 . Do brethemhnus for na ceithre finibh ⁊ do roinn in dibaidh etarra síosanaigh Cislir fodhla fine le feine. O'D. 735. In the margin: Trían meadhon senchusa so.

Col. 545 . Do na rathaib sisanaigh. O'D. 757.

Col. 548 . Fortoing aonraith a tuinidhe .i. etc. O'D. 760.

At the bottom of 550, 551 , the scribe has written a rann to commemorate the death of Cian O'Carroll: Aodhagan cc. A cúig feachtmadhad [sic above the line; originally xl.] fire, chuig chéd is mile in dearbhrainn. ó ro ghein Crísd go glórdha. co bás Céin cródha Í Cerbhaill. It est mac Taidhg mhic Donnchada. See above before col. 505 .

From a note on 521, 522 , and another on 552, 553 , it appears that the plague was then raging in Connaught: col. 552, 553 (lower marg.): A Chriosd chumachtaigh is trúagh in sgél so do chluinim ó chách .i. in fhpláigh do bheth ar lasadh a Crichmhuill (i.e. Craghwell, near Lough Reagh, county Galway. O'D.).

Cols. 554, 555 . Aodhagán cc. Ar in slainte a derainn damh. Dobherainn tainte in talmhan.

Col. 558 . Do thabairt mic in orba annso sios. O'D. 778.

Between 580, 581 , and 582, 583 , a slip of parchment is inserted, beginning: Do ní urfocra chuir ⁊ chunnartha dibh. O'D. 813.

Col. 590 . Do eircib fola ⁊ bain béim enna ⁊ fodla einig annso. O'D. 825.

Col. 595 . [D]iam frithe foghba 7rl. O'D. 834.

Col. 602 , y. Latin brocards with Irish renderings, beginning: Melius est nosinntim (nocentem)?

Col. 604 . Ocus imtongar o gradhaibh ecalsa. O'D. 851.

In the extreme lower margin of 632 is fechain gle.

633 is only half a column; the rest of the page is blank.

Col. 634 . A fragment of 3ff. in a different handwriting, containing part of a commentary on the Brehon Laws. The text begins: Tigradus cach imaig dri haidche. O'D. 882.

Col. 641 z. Marginal note: Sin a Chonchabair on Cosnamaigh, etc.

MS 1336/4


Folios 184-197; cols 645-680.

Col. 645 . Commentary on various passages of the Brehon Laws, illustrated by anecdotes, beginning: Cia roich eneclann rosaich enechgníssair i mbán bém airer i enocbem. O'D. 903.

Col. 650 . Tract on omens and visions of the night, beginning: Innech athchife digbail fola. This occupies two columns, though only numbered as one, and it is continued on the preceding page after the end of the Law tract.

Col. 651 . Law: In erdiass ⁊ in ailgine ⁊ in gorad. O'D. 912.

In the lower margin of col. 652 , and some other cols. are charms as noted by R. I. Best, viz.: In nomine patris, etc. A. charm to put on the forehead of a horse.

Col. 653 . is a law regulating the prices paid for building Churches, Penitentiaries, and Round Towers. It begins: Masa durthach .u. troigedh ndéc. In the margin is a note drawing attention to it: Notlégind so sis. O'D. 916. Translated by O'Curry, 'Manners,' iii. 49. 'This is,' says O'Donovan, 'the most valuable authority hitherto discovered for proving the origin and uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, on which so many modern sciolists have attempted to write. This sets the question at rest for ever.'

Col. 654 . Corus Bretha Nemhidh, i.e. true knowledge of the Law of the Nemhedh. O'D. 918. Only a fragment of the tract.

Col. 654 . Secht ngráid ecna. O'D. 919. p.655. Headed: Di gradaib eclasa andso sis ⁊ dia neneclannaib ⁊ dia naessaib ⁊ dia fognamaib. Begins: Secht ngráid eclasa. O'D. 920. Both these largely glossed. p.656. Raid uile Amirgein, abair fir filed. Amergein respondet. O'D. 924. See B. M. Catal., p. 142. At the top of the page is: Debrethaibh filed. In the margin: Aithirni fri Amirgin. Line 12 begins a different matter in a peculiar cursive hand: Cesc cadiat urcuilte breitheman. In the margin is: gne eile. O'D. 924.

658 is a fol., 4 cols. 659 a page, 2 cols.

658 , col. 1. Nach tualaing in ben reca na creca sech in fer?:O'D. 927.

658 , line 37. De druthbrethaib. O'D. 935.

658 . Top and side margins full of minute writing. Legal matters. O'D. 932, etc.

658 , col. 4. Cuad dá ord: O'D. 936.

658b , col. 1. In the top corner is: Debrethaib gaire. Cach sen fini ⁊ cuntabartach air. O'D. 935

Col. 658b (not numbered). Caput xpi oculus isaie frons helie nassus noe labia iob linga salamonis collum Mathei mens beniamin pectus pauli gratia iohandis fides abrathe sangis abel sanctus sanctus sanctus .dns. ds. sabaot, amen. *Neam ⁊ saegul ⁊ ana dondí gebus fo lige ⁊ erge (*check if order correct here). See Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus vol. ii, p. 248, where this is given from Cod. S. Galli, No. 1395, as a charm against headache. This copy is more correctly written.

659 , col. 1. Corus aithni aracan fenechus IN áithne: O'D. 938. At the top is: Bretha sen forma?.O'D. 938.

Col. 660 . Bui turcomruc fer nErenn, 7rl. O'D. 943.

Col. 660 (at bottom). O lux nostra in tenibris saluss nostra ⁊ uita nostra agnus meus deus meus uesus eternus respice in me aidiuua palua me, libera me dne sicut liberasti susannam a falsis testibus, etc. A charm for protection in battle, etc. (A "coimge conaire". See Plummer, Vitae SS. clxxix.)

Col. 661 . On exemptions: Cain bera do dlighedh ar bera do turbaidh bliadhna do cach duine in Érind. Followed by a list of exemptions. See also TCD MS 1337, col. 353, last line (where there is no heading): O'D. 944.

Col. 661 (at bottom). Pater noster ⁊ aue maria ⁊ credo ⁊ IBant tres boni fratres ad montem Oliueti bonas herbas querentes Omnia uulnera sanantes, etc. To heal a wound.

Col. 662 . A Morainn a Maine a m[ochda] co trebuin, 7rl. Is é scel foraithmenadar hic. bresal bruga cach .i. etc. See O'D. 945. B. M. Catal., Nero A. vii. 140, for the text. This is illustration.

Col. 662 , line 22. Foruachtatar mata motuinde, Is e scél fa. Then a gap (space of two lines), and then fofua (erasure, O'D. writes fofuachtat) in milcu na muca .... The fifth line begins: Breatha a fuigell sin aréir Coirpri Lif. O'D. 946.

Col. 662 , line 13, after gap. Ruchtaid ruib 7rl. Is sedh scél foraithmennitar hic. bui fear soma la Ulta Mugna a ainm.

Col. 663 . The penalty for unjust satire: Bai righ for Ulltaib Taisseach Cernodon ain mind ríg. O'D. 947. Zeits. vii. 300.

Col. 664 . The making of Cuchulainn's shield, beginning: Luathrinne luth. Publ. by O'Curry, 'Manners', 5 ii. 329. O'D. 949. The text by R. I. Best in ' Eriu,' v., p. 72.

Col. 664 . Aengus fo aiblib imuis .i. Aengus Mac Fiachrach Fobricc no Aengus Mac Ailella glaiss .i. Mac Do bresal bricc. O'D. 950.

Col. 665 . Tochmarc Cotreibe cian co dil. O'D. 951. Beginning: Bui ri amra for Ultu Concobar a ainm. See TCD MS 1363, p. 3.

Col. 666 . Story of Trusc, son of Treagman, 'file' of Conchobhar, and his wife, daughter of MacRethe, king of Ossory, and their son Indua. Begins: Co berar i fine fear anfine? Bui rig amra la hUllta Conchobur a ainm. See TCD MS 1363, 62*. O'D. 951.

Col. 667 . Story of Lomna, 'drui' of Finn Mac Cumhaill, and his detection of an intrigue of Finn's wife. Begins: Cuaille feadha i feilm nairgit .i. Isé scél indister sund. Giving an account of the composition of the lines, "Cuailli feda i foillim nairgit" etc, and the result.O'D. 953. The lines are glossed. They occur without the gloss, and without the story, in the B.M. MS. Nero A. vii, in connection with the question as to the inheritance of illegitimate children. See O'D. 2229 and B. M. Catal. The story is told in Cormac's Glossary, s.v. Orc tréith, and by D'Arbois de Jubainville; "Introduction A I'Etude de la Littcrature Celtique," pp. 249, 250.

Col. 668 , line 15 from bottom: Ní cochall clothrand. O'D. 955.

Col. 669 : two explanations of the maxim: IS fraech for ualaind. See TCD MS 1363, 63*.

Col. 670 : Cotagaib nech ni adella, with anecdote of Loegaire buadach and Conall cernach. Most of the next column is cut away, and the next two pages are blank.

Col. 670 , line 8 from foot. The rich Duanach: Dubh Duanach isé scél forathmenaiter sunn .i. bui banchoairt mna do Ulltaibh Duanach a hainm. Pnbl. K. Meyer: Zeits., vii. 300.

Col. 671 . On the rights of poets, and other matters relating to poetry. A note in the margin states that the time and place were the same for this book and the preceding. Heading (large): Cotoich eices acra a leasa. Beg: Teora ernaile airegda ar a ndernad in lebarsa dfir aisti cach graid ⁊ dfir a tomais ⁊ is é ruidles cach graid filedh. O'D. 959.

Col. 671 (very small). Cinnus do miter (rann above). Fri. vii. Nín. O'D. 960. Col. ends: Is ead is sciathand cach cach [sic] baili ambí in locht ar dus ⁊ in leasugad fadeoid. O'D. 961.

Col. 672 . Several technical words relating to poetry, written large and glossed. The first gloss is: Trefocul .i. aircell fuit ⁊ cennfochrus deridh ⁊ cotut ⁊ mallrughadh aincit é: see Cormac's gloss quoted by Windisch, s.v. Some illustrative comments follow, continued on col. 673, which begins: Manirescair ainm cinad ⁊ cintaigh in a trefocul. O'D. 964. (It may be noted that O'D. 962, second last line, omits cenela, which comes after iiii).

Between 672 and 673 are two slips; one narrow, L-shaped, containing legal matters concerning the "eneclann" and "duas" of a poet. O'D. 962. See A.L.I., v., pp. 230, 231:

Col. 672b is one slip between 672 and 673. It contains a charm to produce male children. Begins: Ben beres ingena?. Maria peperit xpm anna Maria Elizabeth iohandem?.

Col. 672b . Against disease: Buidi Phetair im Isu Crist, etc.

Col. 672c (reverse of the slip), Angelus dni dictauit haec Gregorio pape pro uice celabrationis horarum omnium Gloria tibi Deus pater, amen, etc. It is followed by two forms of cuairt coimgi.

Col. 672d . Another slip, L-shaped. Against impotence in a man: Eolas do leamad fhir, foriug doluth .ii. f. dolath?.

Cols. 675 , 676 . Short extracts on various subjects, mostly proverbial, historical, and religious.

Col. 676 contains a number of detached stanzas also.

Col. 675 . Note on the canonical hours and the events associated therewith. Published by R. I. Best. Ériu, iii. 116.

Col. 675 . St. Patrick's descent from Noah, after which is an extract from the Félire of Oengus, on the three saints who brought wheat, rye, and bees into Ireland, viz: Finán, Cam, Dedán, and Modomnoc (F. O., p.112).

Col. 675 . line 3 from foot. Rhymed sayings, beginning: Is bes do mac Dé tacu.

Col. 675 , at foot of col. Zeits., vii. 298.

Col. 676 , line 4. A quatrain from F. O., p. 277: Cach noem robui fuilma.

Col. 676 , line 9. A quatrain from F. O., p.74: berach is mochaem.

Col. 676 . Several other sayings (not consecutive), viz. line 1: lmad fesa finnad nech. Line 12: caemgen dixit. Is maith main mesrugad. Line 22: Is fó limsa mo laiget.

Col. 676 , line 14. The names of the apostles, followed by a quatrain on the twelve apostles of Ireland (from F. O., p.168). (These references to the Félire are due to Mr. Best.)

Col. 676 , line 24: collud ⁊ sádaile.

Col. 677 . Genealogies of Mary and Joseph.

Col. 677 . Vision of Baithin: see Félire, p. 146.

Col. 677 . Story of Comgall of Bangor and Mocholmog in illustration of fasting.

Col. 678 , line 9. Story of two youths, in Colman of Elá's monastery, see Plummer, V.S.H., i. 266.

Col. 678 , line 23. Anecdote of Comgall, see Plummer, ii. 17. Anecdote of Cormac mac Cuilennain and Emín Bán: Zeits.,vii. 299.

Col. 678 at foot: Of Christ's appearance after the Resurrection.

Col. 679 . Legal matter: Cis lir for na tet cin na comlaithri, etc. O'D. 966. The next col. and the whole of the succeeding page are not numbered. The writing differs from what precedes.

Col. 679a . Deoraidh coid ⁊ cercailli. O'D. 971.

Col. 680 (in the same hand as col. 675), a tract: Duleici a fiach imraidh do fiach maigni. At the end of col.

680 are the words 'constat fol. 95,' in the handwriting of Edward Lhwyd.

MS 1336/5


Folios 198-205; cols 681-710.

Col. 681 . Fragment consisting of 8 ff. 4to., apparently of the fifteenth century. The first leaf was originally left blank as a cover, but has been written on in Latin. It contains a prayer written in the secretary hand of the time of Henry VIII.

Col. 682 . Poem on four remarkable trees in the East: Atá cethre chrann sa bheth.

Col. 683 . A tale entitled Fledh Bricinn (sec TCD MS 1318, col. 759). Ends imperfect, col. 710 .

MS 1336/6


Folios 206-255; cols 710*-874.

[The part numbered 710* - 831 seems to have belonged originally to one and the same volume. It has coloured initials throughout. Six hands have been at work: A wrote 710* - 737 , 780 - 801 , 806 - 826 ; B wrote 740 - 779 ; C (who is perhaps A writing large) wrote part of 723 and 738 - 9* ; D wrote 827 - 831 (part); E wrote 801 (part), 802 , 826c ; F wrote 803 - 5 and part of 831 ; E and F are relatively late.]

Cols. 710* - 719 . The Settlement of the Tellach of Temair, beginning: Badar hui Neill fecht? The writing appears to belong to the end of the fourteenth or beginning of the fifteenth century. The first page, here called 710*, is hardly legible, and was therefore not numbered. Pbl. by R. I. Best from the copy in YBL (TCD MS 1318, 740-749) and in Ériu, iv, p.121.

Col. 720 . Account of the blinding of Cormac Mac Airt, monarch of Ireland, by Aengus Gai Buaibhtheach, i.e. Aengus of the Poisonous Dart: see Ancient Laws of Ireland, iii, p.82, and O'Curry, 'Materials,' p.48. This is followed by an account of the poisonous dart itself, and of the expulsion of the Desi: see TCD MS 1316, p.67a, and O'Curry, 'Manners,' ii, p.205 ff. Publ. 'Anecdota', i. 15.

Col. 724 . Short poem on the history of Cashel, beginning: Caisil atcondarc ané.

Col. 724 , line 27. Account of the different territories in Ireland called Partry, followed by two anecdotes of the famous women Sadbh, daughter of Oilioll and Meadbh; and Mada of Murresk.

Col. 725 . The principal wonders of Ireland. See the Book of Ballymote for a better copy (TCD MS 1295, p.410).

Col. 727 , line 16. Anecdotes of Cormac Mac Airt and Fionn mac Cumhaill and others.

Col. 727 , line 27. A tract on the properties of numbers.

Col. 728 . List of kings of the race of Cormac Cas, who governed Munster and all Ireland.

Col. 729 . Scripture genealogies. Col. 4. Paragraphs about the B.V.M. and her father, Joachim. Said (marg. inf.) to be copied from Lebar buide mc Murchada.

Col. 731 . Tract entitled, Seanchus na Relec, i.e. History of the Cemeteries. It enumerates the most celebrated burial-places in Ireland before the introduction of Christianity. Ends col. 732. Edited by E.J. Gwynn, Todd Lecture Series, IX (1906), 10. Also in Lebor na Uidhri. See Petrie, Eccles. Architecture, 97. Followed by paragraphs on persons and places.

Col. 734 , line 12. List of women celebrated in Irish history as mothers or wives of illustrious personages. Begins with Scota, mother of Gaedheal Glas.

Col. 737 . Pedigree of O'Dooley, chieftain of Fertullagh.

Col. 738 . Account of the revolutions, distances, etc., of the sun and moon; of the different kinds of men, birds, fishes, etc., and of the different orders of angels who visit the earth.

Col. 740 . Account of the plebeian tribes called Aitheach Tuatha, or rent-paying class, who were subjugated by Tuathal Teachtmhar in the first (?) century. See TCD MS 1295, p.409, and Rev. Celt., xx. 335.

Col. 743 , line 13, of the genealogy of the Dalaradii, and the pedigree of O'Linchy, chief of Dalaradia.

Col. 746 . Story about the three Fothadhs, joint kings of Ireland. See col. 856. Also Book of Leinster, TCD MS 1339, p.190, col. 2, and 'Anecdota Oxon. Rawl. B. 502', ed. Prof. K. Meyer.

Col. 748 , line 8. Description of the boundaries of Dalcassia or Thomond, as fixed by Oilioll Olum, king of Munster; followed by an account of the Bolgic conquerors of Thomond.

Col. 751 , line 21. De fabulis Connacht Muman, ⁊ de rat-ioni nanrros, beginning: Ceat mc Ailill mc Matach. See col. 845.

Col. 752 , line 12. A short extract from the Coir Anmanna. Derivations of the names and cognomina of celebrated Irish personages. See TCD MS 1295, 399.

Col. 753 . Genealogy of Leth Cuinn and the Eoganachta.

Col. 754 . Of the immediate descendants of Geide Ollgothach, and of other monarchs of Ireland.

Col. 758 . Description of the extent of the territories of Corca Laighe, of Tuath O'Conann, and of Tuath Ross, etc.

Col. 760 . Pedigree of O'Coffey, a chieftain in Corca Laighe.

Col. 760 , line 13. Pedigree of O'Driscoll (a chieftain who ruled over the whole of Corca Laighe).

Col. 760 , line 24. Pedigree of Mael Findáin.

Col. 761 . Pedigrees of the tribes called Gailenga (in corrupt Latin, ends Finit, col.762, line 25).

Col. 762 . Notes on famous women.

Col. 763 , line 31. Poem: Ailill Fland mo cech mblaig. 7 st.

Col. 764 . Poem: A rí nime neill. 10 st. Followed by another poem on some women.

Col. 765 . A passage recording the date of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. Quoted by O'Curry, 'MS. Materials', p.508. Col. 765 ends with genealogical notes.

Col. 767 , line 5. Account of the rights, or dues, of the kings of Cashel.

Col. 768 , line 8. History and privileges of Cashel. 'Story of Finding of Cashel', see Keating, i, 123.

Col. 774 . Comuaim nGeinelach. 'The Concord of Genealogies,' showing the progenitors in whom different Irish families met.

Col. 778 . Of the different orders of bards, their dues and privileges. O'D. 979.

After 779 , a gap.

Col. 780 . Eber mc Milidh Easpáne .u. mc Lais .i. Er, Orba, etc. See Zeits.,viii. 302. The present text breaks off with 7rl. at Zeits., p.304, line 30.

Col. 782 , line 17. Account of the birth of Cormac Mac Airt.

Col. 784 , line 19. Concerning the seven Maines, children of Ailill and Medb.

Col. 785 . Of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Col. 787 . Anecdote of Cuacht, daughter of Caelbadh of Magh Ailbhe in Leinster, with short notices of other Leinster families.

Col. 787 , line 18. Definitions of the North, East, South, and West of Ireland.

After 787 is a small slip inserted. The first page is illegible. The second begins: Manumsa dalta mide Cr ri tire, etc. Religious verses. The slip after 790 belongs to this.

Col. 788 . Headed: Mac Raith rochum in acedeptsa [sic]. Of the kings of the race of Eircamon, who governed Ireland, and some account of tribes who descended from Eibhear, and were located in the northern half of Ireland.

Col. 790 , line 8 from bottom. A legendary anecdote of four persons called Mananan, viz. M. mac Athno, M. mac Alloit, M. macCirb, and M. mac Lir. See Mac Kinnon's Cat. of Gaelic MSS., p. 131.

Col. 791 , line 18. Of some of the descendants of Fergus and Medb. Followed by the poem on their son Core Ruad, beginning: Core ruad mac Fergusa find (10 stanzas).

Col. 793 . Short notices of several persons famous in ancient Irish history, many only short pedigrees. There are two of Finn. O'Curry states that col. 794 contains the Aided Leogaire. This is an error. After col. 795 there is a defect.

Col. 796 contains the end of a story telling how the kingship of Ireland was taken from Cormac and given to Cairpri Lifechair; also of the grief of Acaill, daughter of Cairpri, for the death of her brother Erc. See A.L. I iii. 84.

Col. 797 . List of the stories in ancient Irish literature, which the poets were accustomed to recite for the amusement of kings and chiefs, given by O'Curry in Appendix to 'MS. Materials.' They had seven times fifty stories, that is, five times fifty chief stories, and twice fifty of an inferior kind. The chief stories related to demolitions, cattle-spoils, courtships, battles, caves, voyages, tragedies, banquets, sieges, adventures, elopements, and plunders. After 799 there is a small inserted slip (metrical): Is tu mo biadis médach, etc. This belongs to the slip after 787.

Col. 800 , 1. 10. Account of the Bolgic king Eochaidh Mac Eirc, the first who sat at Tara, and an account of Taillte, Uisneach, and Tlachtga, places of ancient celebrity in Meath.

Col. 801 , line 10. Account of Laiseach Lannmor, the progenitor of O'More and other families of Leix. (This column from line 10, and those numbered 802-805, are in a later hand than the preceding.)

Col. 803 , line 12. Interpretation of the ominous croaking of the raven. See R.I. Best, Ériu viii, 120.

Col. 806 . Translation of Nennius' account of the Britons. See TCD MS 1319, p. 172.

Col. 826 . The seventeen characteristics of a good and a bad argument. In a later hand.

Col. 827 . Tale entitled, Tochmarc Ailbhi, i.e. the Courtship of Ailbhe, daughter of Cormac MacAirt. In a different hand.

Col. 831 , line 12. An interpretation of the appearance and singing of the wren. Headed: dreanacht andso sis. See R.I. Best, Ériu viii, 120. The verso of this folio was left blank by the original scribe, but William, the son of Donnell oge O'Duinnín, has written in it his name and a few observations, a.d. 1670.

The last fragment consists of 12 ff. and three half leaves. It is in a different hand from any of the preceding.

Col. 832 . The Amhra or Eulogium of St. Senan of Scattery Island, in the Shannon, composed by Dallan-Forguill, author of the Amhra Columcille. Begins: Senansoer sidh athair. There is an interlined gloss. Publ. by Stokes: Zeits. iii., p.220.

Col. 835 . Prophecy ascribed to Finn Mac Cumhaill foretelling St. Patrick. Publ. O'Curry, 'MS. Materials,' p.622.

Col. 835 . Prophecy ascribed to St. Fursa of Peronne, followed by another of the signs preceding the day of judgment. Publ. by K. Meyer, Zeits., ix. 168.

Col. 837 . Of the qualifications of a good clergyman: Cid is dech do cleirech, etc.

Col. 839 , line 19. Some triads, beginning: Tri buada crabaid, etc. Some of these are repeated in col. 855.

Col. 839b (a half leaf). Pedigrees of Fithil Mac Fircoigat, Diarmait Mac Duind, and Oilill Finn Mac Domhnaill Dualbhuidhe.

Col. 840 . Account of the first Satire composed in Ireland, beginning: Cia céta ro hoerad ind Éirinn artus? nín. Bres mac Eladan. Cia dodnairai? nín. Cairpre mac Edaine do Tuathaib d.d.

Col. 841 , 1. 17. Account of the first sentence passed in Ireland, which was by Amergin, brother of Eibliear and Eireamon.

Col. 842 . Short abstract of the tale of Cuchulinn and his son Connlaech, the latter, killed by his father unwittingly. Publ. by J. G. O'Keeffe. Ériu, i, p. 123. See TCD MS 1318, col. 955.

Col. 843 , line 27. Account of the tribute imposed by the Fomorians on the Nemethians.

Col. 844 , line 3 from foot. Story of Macha,
daughter of Eogan Mór, and Macha, daughter of the druid Triath Mac Creca
see Zeits., viii. 309.

Col. 845 , line 26. Account of the primitive inhabitants of Connaught. Headed: De fabulis Connachta, Mumain ⁊ de ratione na nIros. See col. 751.

Col. 846 , line 15. Account of Connla Mac Firceite, king of the Erna of Munster.

Col. 846 . Two different pedigrees of Finn MacCumhaill, and a short account of the Fenian officers under him.

Col. 847 . Short account of the regulations made between the Ultonians and the tribes of Tara. Col. 848 . Names of persons who first established certain customs in Ireland, also names of the ranks in society who were entitled to keep certain dogs, as the Mílchí (greyhound), Oirce (lapdog), and Archú.

Col. 849 , line 20. Dinnseanchus of Sliabh Comalt, now Keeper Hill, Co. Tipperary. Publ. Hermathena, 1912.

Col. 850 . Of the different kinds of luck attending persons born on the several days of the week.

Col. 851 . Derivations of the cognomina of the three sons of Cearmad Milbeil.

Col. 851 , line 33. Numerus literarum incipit. Table of letters which stand for numbers (quite different from the Roman numerals).

Col. 855 . Regulations of the Irish church according to the Testament of St. Patrick. Publ. Ériu, i. 2, 6.

Col. 856 . Tale of the three Fothadhs, beginning: Bui ri feindig [sic] for-chondachthaib fecht naill. Publ., with trans., bv K. Meyer, Todd Lecture Ser., xvi. See col. 746.

Col. 858 , line 19. The fable of the birth of Romulus and Remus: 'Anecdota', iii. 46.

Col. 859 , line 19. Explanation of the word Nescóit, and a story about three Tuatha Dé Danann armourers (quoted from Cormac's Glossary).

Col. 861 , line 8. Tale about three brothers, sons of Conaire mac Mogha Lamha, viz. Cairbre Musc, Cairbre Baiscinn, and Cairbre Riada. In this is introduced an ancient poem ascribed to Cairbre Musc, beginning: Fo fer Fiacha fer da liach. (On the descent of this Conaire, see 'Silva Gadelica', ii. 456, 473, and Keating Hist., ed. Dinneen, lines 4902-5.)

Col. 863 , line 7. Account of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria.

Col. 863 , line 26. How Cormac mac Bibsaig of the Conmaicni got the surname Eolais.

Col. 863 at foot. A note on Ogham writing.

Col. 864 . Of the spreading branches of the race of Ir, the son of Mile.

Col. 870 . Bean Seanchas. List of the famous women of antiquity, beginning with Eve. (There is a perfect copy in the Book of Ballymote.) The last page is illegible, that preceding it nearly so.

© Catalogue records by the Library of Trinity College Dublin.