LS 1319/2/1
15th cent. Vellum. 27.5 × 21 cms. Ff. 4, numbered in pencil; ff. 1v–4v bear an earlier pagination, 83–9, in ink. No scribal signature.
Bound in modern vellum cover; vellum guard (27.5 × 2cm) folded over and sewn in to centre of gathering; number ‘H. 2. 17 II Vol. I 1–4 / 83–89’ stamped in black on front and back cover; number ‘1319/2/1’ on upper right-hand corner of front cover.
Collation: i8 wants 3–6 with loss of text where defective. Double columns, ruled in dry point, 39–45 lines; prick marks for double columns with single outer and inner bounding-lines visible in upper margins of all leaves near or at leaf-edge; lower margins trimmed; prick marks for top and bottom horizontal text-lines visible in inner and outer margins of all leaves near spine and leaf-edge, respectively. Space (perhaps containing guide-letter now illegible) reserved for 4-line opening initial ‘a’ at f. 1ra1 but initial not filled in; chapter-incipit on f. 1ra1–2 and sub-sections throughout in display script; rubrication of display script, of initials, most capitals, occasional other letters and ceann fo eite in ff. 1r–4ra, with rubrication discontinued after f. 4ra, and with only faint traces of it now remaining on f. 1r. Slight crack in vellum, f. 2v, inner margin. F. 1 cut and mutilated, a piece (evidently 10–11.5 cm × 18 cm) having been cut away diagonally from its lower half, with consequent loss of text on recto (slight damage to end of f. 1ra25; end of f. 1ra26, and all but opening letters or words on f. 1ra27–z, lost; ends of f. 1rb25–6 damaged; f. 1rb27–z entirely lost) and on verso (beginning of f. 1va24 damaged; f. 1va25–z entirely lost; beginning of f. 1vb25 damaged; all but closing words or letters of f. 1vb26–z lost); slight tinting from ink of jotting (a) (see below) visible on f. 2r, upper margin, from jotting (b) on f. 1v, between cols, and from initial on f. 4rb31 on f. 3v, between cols; front page heavily stained and mostly illegible; staining throughout, heaviest on lower half of leaves, and at spine and inner margins of ff. 1v–2r, 3v–4r and 4v.
Notes and jottings: (a) 1v, upper margin. ‘Comortus ann so re.’ (b) 2r, between columns, transversely. ‘Eachdonn Mhaig Bheatheadh.’ (c) 4v, upper margin. ‘Ag s[? in a Brian] Ui [...] bruinnt[...].’
1ra. [John of Gaddesden, Rosa Anglica, bk 2.1 of Irish translation.] Acephalous. Beg. here [A]postema [...]or [...] / sunt sec[...]m [= Gaddesden, Rosa Anglica (Pavia 1492), f. 28vb20]. F. 1r largely illegible. First legible sequence of words reads in tadbar fonaballaib chuireas uathu e ⁊ cuiridh Consatin nacuisi so sanoctmadh leabar do Panteicni (f. 1va1). Chasm in text after f. 2 which breaks off with creachta isinles nó neascoid. Occus dambia gaineamh [= Gaddesden, f. 31ray]. Text resumes (f. 3ra1) tuicc curop maith angherrudh sin ⁊ aninudh do loscad innus nach silfidh imurcraidh fola [= Gaddesden, f. 35rb25]. Breaks off with f. 4 intadhbar bis ann no tumthar éadach [= Gaddesden, f. 169ra16]. For published parts of this text see MS 1321. Text of ff. 1–2 and 3–4 here corresponds to W. Wulff (ed.), Rosa Anglica, sev Rosa medicinae Johannis Anglici. An early modern Irish translation of a section of the mediaeval medical text-book of John of Gaddesden (Irish Texts Society XXV, London 1929) pp. 162.1–188.2 and 208.7–230.y, respectively, with loss of text due to mutilation of f. 1 (see above). Note that this manuscript was overlooked in the list of manuscripts of the Irish translation of Rosa Anglica given in Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha, ‘Eagarthóir, téacs agus lámhscríbhinní: Winifred Wulff agus an Rosa Anglica’ in Ruairí Ó hUiginn (ed.) Oidhreacht na lámhscríbhinní Léachtaí Cholm Cille 34 (Maigh Nuad 2004) 105–47: 122–5.
© Catalogue record by Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.