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LS 23 N 10 (bindings)

MS C 110 (bindings)

LS 23 N 10 (order of binding)

LS 23 N 10 (correct order)

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy



16th cent. Vellum and paper. 8 × 5 ½, some leaves varying slightly in dimensions, some mere fragments preserved as insets in fresh leaves. Ff. 14 (vellum) + pp. 132 (paper) interleaved with blank paper. A late pagination (in ink) runs consecutively throughout, 1—[160]. The MS. does not appear to have borne any former numeration. Lacunae occur before pp. 3, 7. There are frequent misplacements of leaves, e.g., pp. 7-10, 11-12, 17, 25-26, 77, 113-124 (see infra). The principal scribes are: (a) Aodh (Aoudh) (see pp. 1, 48 i., 66 m., 77 i., 113), who wrote for his own amusement at Baile in Chuimine in the house of Seán Ó Maolchonaire (pp. 1, 48 i., 77 i.), circa 1575. This scribe was the owner of the book, as he is referred to by the other scribes. Cf. pp. 62 i., 101 m. (b) Dubthach, who signs his name on p. 101 m., stating that he is finishing his part of the scribal work at Baile Tibhaird ar Bla Maige in the company of Sean Ó Maoilchonaire on the first Monday after the Feast of Saint John 1575 (p. 101 m.). Aedh, who resumes the transcription at this point, adds to Dubthach’s colophon a word of thanks (ibid.). (c) Tornae (see signature, p. 57 i.). The principal scribal colophons or marginalia are (in full) as follows:—

p. 1 (marg.). "In Dei nomine. Amen. In teccusc so [reference is to Tecosca Cormaic] ó Aodh dó udein."

p. 48 i. "Finit. Amen o Aodh forsan aipgitir sin [referring to An Aipgitir Chrádbaid]. Baile in Chuimine m’airm a n-ailt tSeain Hi Maoilchonaire."

55 1.4. "Finit do sin ⁊ is ercotach in duph."

p. 57 i. "Messe Tornae ⁊ ni fetur ca fad o do scriuhus oen lini roime sin."

p. 59 i. "Arcu fuin dom Dia."

p. 62 i. "Sin duit, a Oed, ⁊ nar mela tú é."

p. 66 m. “Aodh sin ⁊ Dia lium."

p. 77 i. "Finit. Amen. In Satharn ría bFeil in Tailgienn anieua. Miesie Aoudh. Bauilei in Chuoiminei muo mheiandaot a n-airm Sheiaauin Hí Mháouilchounauoierei ⁊ daur muo dheurou is truaogh in ries sien adchlouaim, adlhon Semuos Mhauc Muoiries ag imtheaoucht doun Spaiend amailde frina tseitche ⁊ frina chlaouind fous ⁊ is eadh is daomhna [ ] cheimnighthe dhoiu adhon do nembhfhaghuai [ ]e onna urathauir fein (id est Geroit .i. iarla suprascript) ⁊ is eadh douruimnimsi gurop olc fuaoir." According to the Calendar of State papers, James FitzMaurice and his wife were received at the French Court on April 28, 1575. This would date this colophon as the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, 1575, which is proved to be correct by the date given by Dubthach (see below, colophon on p. 101).

93 m. "Ata leisge form fad scribadh."

p. 101 m. "Oraoit uaim ar do lebor, a Oedh, in chéad Luan iar n-aurtach Iohannes, Baile Tibhaird ar Bla Maige mo mendad scribne hi farrad Sheaain Hi Maoilchonari. Mese (Dubthach suprascript) do scrib in ball soin da derpiris ⁊ rlae. Anno Domini 1575." Aodh adds "Gu roiuh maith agat."

p. 115, marg. "Dermat fodera damsa in leim do ureith ⁊ gaba inti leigfis as so tuas conuige in taob des don dara duilleoig seo amuich ⁊ soadh tar ais aris cum na hosgla so amuich noco leghe ⁊ da eisi eirgiub ara dilis feisin. Aodh sin."

It is a matter for regret that a reagent has been used on some of these, and on practically all the other marginalia in this ms., rendering their decipherment at times impossible.

An account of the sequence of the principal hands may be attempted here in a general way, but the minute examination of the characteristics of the handwriting belongs elsewhere. Aodh writes pp. 1-10 (notice the ornamental capitals); pp. 11-12 (possibly, though the handwriting seems to change here); pp. 13-15, 1. 14, which is followed by twenty-four lines in a smaller hand; pp. 15, last line-19, 1. 11, where the pen seems to have been taken up for thirteen lines by a second scribe(Torna? cf. p. 30—the variation is definitely more than that caused on other pp. by intermittent writing); p. 19, 1. 24-52 (ignoring for the moment the insertions and scribblings, which will be considered later); pp. 53-55, 1. 4 (possibly, in spite of the unevenness of the handwriting, since a scribal note here complains of the ink). P. 55, 11. 5-26, are possibly by Dubhthach, but Aodh’s hand resumes p. 55, 1. 26, and continues to p. 57,1. 6. Here follow twenty-five lines (signed) in the beautiful handwriting of Tórna [Ó Maoilchonaire], Aodh’s hand resuming to p. 62, 1. 7, where a hand closely resembling Torna’s takes up the pen again. Aodh’s hand appears again pp. 63-77, but pp. 78-101 are written by Dubhthach. Pp. 101, 1. 16-130, are in Aodh’s hand, and perhaps the Calendar standing on p. 143 ff. (mutilated leaves); certainly the hand at p. 152 is Aodh’s. Pp. 131-142 are an obviously later section of the ms., and the scribal signature and date are missing. It will be pointed out in the course of examining the contents of the ms. that this volume (both vellum and paper sections) appears to be a line for line replica of an older vellum. It is also possible that a paper replica was made of the vellum initially written by Aodh, portions only of both now remaining (see p. 118, infra). The hand writing on pp. 7-10 is arranged in double column, rest of ms. in single column, the ruling being by dry point throughout. The ink has faded at many points, for instance, on pp. 8-10. Repairs have been carefully executed by an expert hand. Crumbling fragments of manuscript have been inset in fresh paper and the whole has been strengthened by gauze. An older repair in the vellum (made with silk thread) appears on pp. 9-10. Names of former owners, etc., occurring on the margins of the ms. are : (p. 6) "[ ] Clancy his hand and book Anno Domini thousand seven hundred and fifteen 1715" (not quite certain, as reagent has been used; the Christian name is heavily cancelled); (p. 10) "Tómás Ó Alluraine ba leis an leabhar so, go nderna Día gras 7 trócuire air. D’éag se annsa mbliadhain (rest omitted)"; (p. 12) "Donall Ó [ ]"; (p. 16) "Domhnall o Briain M. [All] than do sgriobh an meid so [ ] Chaillidhe [ ] Contae Corcaighe 1702" (cf. p. 102); (p. 20, inverted) "Ellen Fling" (?); (p. 22, inverted) "Cornelius Corb[ ]," in an English entry; (p. 27) "Tadhg Ó Loineasna mBaile Ó Gatha san mbliadhain d’Aois ar Sabhala ocht gcéad déag"; (p. 52) "Tadhg Ó Loneasi" (cancelled); (p. 91) "[ ] Fling her hand and boo[k], Anno Domini, 1707 (?)"; (p. 102) "Dómhnall Ó hAlltan. Daniell Hallahane, Anno Domini 1702"; (p. 109) the ornament in margin here may be the initials of a former owner; (p. 119) on interleaf, "E. Curry" and "J. Long"; (p. 158) date "174[ ]" occurs. Bd. (recently) in leather. Sir William Betham’s bookplate stands on a front flyleaf. Betham Catalogue, no. 145.


1 . [TECOSCA CORMAIC]. Beg. A hua Chuind, a Chorpmaic, ol Corpre, cidh is dech do righ. Headed: "In Dei nomine, Amen. In teccusc so ó Aodh do udein. "The text occurring here corresponds to ed. Meyer (R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series xv), §§1-3; 17; 4-6, 1. 43; 21, 1. 6-31, 1. 3; 19; 32-34 (with the addition pr. Meyer, p. 56); 35-37. There is a lacuna after p. 2 (ed. Meyer, § 6, 1. 43). For the tradition of the text, see Thurneysen, Zu irischen Hss. und Literaturdenkmalern, p. 3, seqq.

5 m. [BRIATHRA FLAINN FÍNA]. Beg. Atcotai socell saidbres. Pr. Meyer, Anecdota iii, p. 10 (from this MS.), and Roland M. Smith, Rev. Celt., 45, p. 61. See Thurneysen, op. cit., loc. cit., and p. 11, seqq.

6 m. [SENBRIATHRA FÍTHAIL]. Beg. Tosach eoluis imchomarc. Here headed: “Fithal dixit.” Pr. Meyer, Anecdota iii, p. 16, ff., as part of the foregoing text. For critical edition, see Thurneysen, op. cit., p. 11, seqq., and Roland M. Smith, Rev. Celt., 45, p. 1. The text breaks off here at p. 6 i., but is resumed at p. 77 of this ms., where it is followed (p. 77 m.) by the independent section of gnomic sayings beg. Maith dán ecna.

7 . The Triads of Ireland. Acephalous. Beg. here adarc reithe do dirge gen tene (= ed. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series xiii, p. 16, no. 117). The text breaks off: at p. 10 i. with the words: Teora sirechta fiatha: cuirmtech cin aisnes (=ed., p. 34, no. 253). Acc. to ed. Meyer, Introd., p. vi, this fragment supplies for the missing section of the text on pp. 98-101 of this ms.

11 wrongly bound in here). [TOCHMARC EMIRE]. The fragment beg. here chuca? ol seissium. Do droichet in alta, ar iat (= ed. Meyer, ZCP 3, p. 250, 1. 9), should follow p. 124 of this MS. See beginning of text at p. 21, infra.

13 . [UATH BEINNE ETAIR]. Beg. Fechtus dio raiuhe Diarmait mac Duinn I Duipne ind uaim Penni hEtair. Ed. Meyer, Rev. Celt., xi, p. 125, seqq., from Harleian 5280. The present copy is not mentioned by the editor.

14 m. IMATHCHOR NAILELTA ⁊ AIRT (title barely legible). Beg. Lecis Aililt Aulomb a bein .i. Saidb ingein Cuind. A reagent has been used on the ms. here, rendering this text almost wholly illegible. Ed. Meyer, Anecdota iii, p. 27 ff., from Rawl. B. 512 and Harleian 5280.

14 i. Beneath the faded writing of the preceding scribe is entered here (in a later hand) the computation of the ages of the world, beg. Dá bliadain ⁊ dá fichit ⁊ dá chét ⁊ dá míle.

15 . [IMACCALLAM ATHAIRNE ⁊ AIMIRGIN]. Beg. Do deachaid Athairne hisind fhogmar for turus cu thig a dalta. Prose and rhetoric. Ed. Thurneysen, Ériu, 7, p. 196, seqq., from this ms. ; Meyer, loc. cit., p. 1 (from Harl. 5280).

16 m. [AIDED CHONCHOBUIR]. Beg. Bai Conchobar mac Nesai fechtus n-ann. Atfet do Altuss crochad Crist. Ed. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series xiv, p. 12, seqq., from this ms. as Version B of this text.

17 . Here occur the final twelve qq. of the poem Comae riaguil in Choimded, which begins on p. 88, q.v.

17 m. In rogh so, a rig na run, 29 qq. "Uga Corbmaic meic Cuilendain."

18 m. Feidlimidh. A fhir uird na haraide, 4 qq. Headed : "Feidlimidh espoc ⁊ ri Muman rocan annso dia araille sacart boi ar bru na Samaire. Abond isidhe fil hi medon Muighi Muman."

18 i. Colum Cille. A Muire min maithingen, 16 qq. Ed. Strachan, Ériu 1, p. 122, from this ms.

19 m. Dia lim fri gach snim, 18 qq. Ed. Meyer, Arch fúr Celt. Lexikographie iii, p. 6, from this ms. A. O’Kelleher, Ériu iv, p. 235, prints text of B iv 2, fo. 137 b.

20 m. Deus meus adiu[v]a me, 7 qq. of alternate Latin and Irish. Pr. Stokes, The Calendar of Oengus, 1st ed., p. clxxxv (from LB), and K. Meyer, Selections from Irish Poetry (Dublin, 1909).

20 i. M’oenaran im aireglan, 14 qq. Pr. from this ms. by Strachan, Ériu 1, p. 138, and by Meyer, Ériu 2, p. 55, from a ms. in the Franciscan Library, Merchants’ Quay (text with translation). At the end here is a note: Fechtus rogap Corcran buachaill Mael Sutain int senorcha ina laim co tuc in teistemin si fair (foll, by a rhetoric).

21 . [TOCHMARC EMIRE]. Version III (see Thurneysen. Die irische Helden-und Konigsage, p. 377, seqq.). Beg. Baoi righ amra airigda ind Eamain Macha fecht n-aild .i. Conchopar mac Fachtna Fathaig. The text is complete here, but folios are bound in wrong sequence. They should run: pp. 21-24, 113-117 (with interpolation from another text on p. 118, q.v.), 119-124, 11-12, 25-26, 125-28. See Thurneysen, ZCP 8, p. 498, note. This version, based on the text in D. iv. 2, is that printed Van Hamel, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series iii.

27 Rules for finding the Golden Letter (with diagram). Beg. Mase fios na n-uimrech oir dob ail let dfagbail.

27 i. (Insertion in a later hand, now almost entirely illegible owing to the use of a reagent by someone unknown.) Things which are abhorrent to God. Beg. Sapienscie (?) sine operibus. Duine eagnaidhe gan oiprighthe maithe. Pr. Marstrander, Ériu 5, p. 140, from this MS.

28 . blank, save for faint scribblings. Reagent has been used here also. The vellum portion of the ms. ends here. Rest is paper, which is carefully repaired with gauze.

29 . [AIREC MENMAN URAIRD MEIC COISSE]. Beg. Urard mac Coissi arainic in n-airec menman sa do Chinel Eogain meic Neill. Pr. M. E. Byrne, Anecdota ii, p. 42, from this ms. Text ends p. 43 i.

44 . [APGITIR CRÁBAID]. Beg. Hiris co ngnim, accobar co feidli. Pr. Meyer, ZCP iii, p. 447, seqq., from Harleian 5280. Ends p. 48.

49 . AUDAGHT MORINN. Beg. Atroi tochomlae. Headed: "Incipit Audaght Morinn maic Muin d’Feradhach Finnfechtnach maic Crumthainn Niathnair," etc. Ends p. 52.

53 . Account of the Quarrel between Finn and Oisin. Beg. [B]oí Fionn ua Baiscne fo Erinn oc cuinchid a mec .i. Oisede. Prose and verse. Verse beg. In derb lemsa, 16 qq. Ed. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series xvi, p. 22.

54 . Account of a judgment given in a case concerning injured horses. Beg. [L]uid araile rig dochum Temrach. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 103, from this ms.

55 m. Atberim rib lith saine, 4 qq. Pr. Meyer, Hibernica Minora, p. 49, from Rawl. B. 512.

55 m. Frithae cech da comamus, 2 qq.

55 m. Fothaid. Atdius daib a n-aicned fír, 2 qq. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 7, p. 299, from this MS .

55 m. TOCHMARC BAISI BANDRUAD. Beg. Bais bandroad ingen side Cronnmail. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 104, from H. 3. 18.

55 i. [TÁIN BÓ RÚANAID]. Beg. Doluid Roanaid forsan táin. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 104, from H. 3. 18.

56 . Legend of Aed Ordnide. Beg. [F]echt n-aon doluid Aodh Dorndine ben Neill Frasaig do ordugud righe Cairnd Ol nEcmachta. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 102, from this MS.

56 i. Simon Madian is Matha, 2 qq. Headed: ".xii. apostoli." Pr. Meyer, ZCP 7, p. 299, from this ms. Pp. 57-74 derive from Cín Dromma Snechta. Cf. Zu ir. Hss., p. 30.

57 . [IMMRAM BRAIN MAIC FEBAIL]. Beg. Caocca rant ro gab an ben a tirib ingnath. Pr. Meyer and Nutt, The Voyage of Bran (London, 1895), pp. 2-35.

62 . [COMPERT CON CULAINN.] Beg. [D]ia mbai Conchubar ⁊ maith [i] Ulad i nEmain Machae. Version I of the text. See Thurneysen, Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmalern I, p. 31 if. Ed. Windisch, Irische Texte I, p. 136 ff.; Van Hamel, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series iii.

63 i. COIMPERT MOGGAIN. Beg. [B]oi Fiachna Laurgan aothair Mongain. For an edition of this text, see Meyer and Nutt, The Voyage of Bran, p. 42.

64 i. "Scél asa n-abuir comad he Moggan Finn mac Cumaild." Beg. [ B ] oi Mongan a Raith Moir Maighe Linea. Ed. Meyer, op. cit., p. 45.

66 m. Another story of Mongan. Beg. [D]ia mboi dono Forgall fili la Mongan fecht n-ant. Pr. Meyer, op. cit., p. 52.

67 m. TUCAIT BAILE MONGAIN. Beg. Esisstair ben Mongain .i. Findtigearn do Mongan. Pr. Meyer, op. cit., p. 56.

67 i. Tomhus tighe Mec inn Óicc, 3 qq. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 108, from Harleian 5280.

68 . "Incipiunt Uerba Scathaige fri Coin Culainn oc scarad doib isna rannuib tair." Beg. [O] ro scaith do Choin Culainn. Pr. Meyer, Anec. v, p. 28; Thurneysen, ZCP 9, p. 487.

68 m. Dindshenchas of Emain Macha. Beg. [ C ] id dia tá Eomuin Machae. Ni anse. Bui righi nErenn hi comflaithius etir Ruad mac mBodhuirn ⁊ Cimbaeth mac Finntain. Pr. Meyer, Arch. fur Celtische Lexicographie, 3, p. 325, from this ms. Ends p. 70.

70 m. "[I]ncipit Forfess uhFer uhFalgae .i. uhFer Manann." Beg. Is isidhe foillsigthi do Ultaib a hEmuin. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 564; Thurneysen, Zu ir. Hss., p. 56.

70 i. ECHTRA CONLAE. Beg. [C]onla Ruad [ ] Chond Cétchathach. A mbóe laa n-and for laim a athar.

72 i. "Incipit do Togail Bruidne Da Derg." Beg. [C]onaire mac Mese Buachalla is e orta i mBruidhin Ua Derga. Summary. Ed. Thurneysen, Zu ir. Hss., p. 27. Cf. ZCP 10, p. 217.

73 . "Incipit Baili Chuind Chetehathaigh." Beg. [Ib]thuss Art ier cetharchait aidchi. Ed. Thurneysen, Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmalern, p. 48 ff.

74 m. The article “Prull,” from Cormac’s Glossary. Beg. Prull .i. aidbliugad mor. Cf. Festschrift Windisch, p. 8.

77 . Here resumes SENBRÍATHRA FÍTHAIL, which began on p. 6 to., q.v.

77 m. Gnomic sayings, beg. Maith dán ecna. Pr. R. M. Smith, Rev. Celt. 45, p. 89 (from 23 N 27).

78 . Laudate Dominum de celis, 5 qq. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 6, p. 262, from this ms.

78 m. Samudh buan briathar issel, 14 qq. Defective here, owing to the state of the ms. Headed : "Riaguil Corbmaic maic Cuilendain." Ed. Strachan, Ériu 2, p. 62 ff.

79 m. Abuir dam fri mac Sarain, 70 qq. "Riagail Ailbe Imliuch ac tinchosc Eogain maic Sarain i Cluain Caolain." Ed. Joseph O’Neill, Ériu 3, p. 92ff.

82 m. Fothaid na Canoine. Ess he ascnam na flatha, 8 qq. Headed: "Fothaid na Canoine .cc. hanc regulam." Ed. Meyer, Arch. fur Celt. Lexicographie, 3, p. 312, from Add. 30,512 collated with this ms. The poems following here on pp. 82-86 are part of this Rule, though not occurring in the same sequence as in ed. Meyer.

82 i. Diambat rig bat cert, 16 qq. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 314 (see also note p. 315).

83 m. Dia mba hescop, uasal gradh, 9 qq. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 313.

83 i. Diamba toisech ecuilsi, 20 qq. “Do appaid ecailsi in so." Meyer, loc. cit., p. 316.

84 m. Diamba sacard ba saothrach, 7 qq. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 316.

84 i. Diamba hanimcaro neich, 18 qq. Ed. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 318, has four additional quatrains (nos. 71, 72, 77, 79).

85 m. Diamba maccleirech fa mam, 19 qq. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 319.

86 m. Dia mbem fua mám cléirceachta, 12 qq. Meyer, loc. cit., p. 313.

86 i. Riaghuil prontighi iarsin, 29 qq.

87 i. Diamba trebthach ba trebor, 5 qq. Ed. Meyer, Ériu 2, p. 172.

88 . Coma riaguil in Choimded, 32 qq., twelve qq. of which stand on p. 17 of this ms. Ed. Strachan, Ériu 1, p. 191, and 2, p. 58 (Addenda).

89 . Nech atcobra dul ar nemh, 28 qq. "Anmcairdess Manchai[n L]eith so." Pr. Meyer, ZCP 7, p. 310, from this MS., and B. iv. 2.

90 m. Idhal o ro hairgidsom, 24 qq.

91 m. Note : Batar triar do Muintir Corcrain forarb follus mian lomma se[ch) chach. Foll, by quatrain beg. Na ibdais loimm secht lulgach.

91 m. Colum Cille. Robudh meallach, a Mic mo De, 10 qq. Ed. Meyer, ZCP 7, p. 309, from B. iv. 2 and this ms.

91 i. idem. Cainnech mo comarci, 7 qq. Pr. from this ms. by Meyer, Arch. fur Celt. Lexicographie 3, p. 219.

92 m. Aittech friut a ndechmad, 21 qq. First ten qq. printed by Meyer, ZCP 8, p. 231 f.

93 . Cománus. Clanda aille Indrechtaigh, 3 qq.

93 m. Tarbach. Cia airet in fassaig-si, 6 qq. Headed: "Tarbach interrogauit do Comanus."

93 m. Ticcfaid aimser | aimser cen firinne, etc. Rhetoric.

93 i. Beg mac Dé. Prophecy. Beg. Is maircc tairceba airessni a llucc tire na nGoidel.

94 m. Fursa Craidbech. Prophecy. Beg. Maircc tairgeba airessni a mbiat saerbrath gan caingnima.

94 i. Creidimsi Críst israeracht, 7 qq. "Comad croiche Críst.’ Ed. Meyer, Ériu 1, p. 41.

95 m. Duthracar, a Maic De Bi, 11 qq. "Comad Mancháin Leith.” Ed. Meyer, Ériu 1, p. 38.

95 i. Rob tu mo boile, 16 qq. Ed. M. E. Byrne, Ériu 2, p. 89, seqq.

96 m. Tainic teirt denam tarba, 35 qq. Concerning the hours of the day at which Biblical events have taken place.

98 . The Triads of Ireland. Beg. Cend Erenn Ard Macha. Text stands on pp. 98-100, 7-10, 101. Ed. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series xiii. See also p. 7 of this ms.

101 m. Breasal O Treasuig. Coig Mumain a Mumhain moir, 7 qq. Ed. J. H. Lloyd, Ériu 2, p. 49.

102 , originally blank, now occupied by a stanza, Gear mhor ghradam (?) na n-easbal a ccoisir (?) Dhia, signed "Dómhnall Ó Hallthan, Daniell Hallahane, Anno Domini 1702.”

103 . [CÁIN DOMNAIG]. Beg. Intindscna eipisdil an tSlanicceda. Ed. J. G. O’Keeffe, Ériu 2, p. 189, in part (i.e., the Epistle of Jesus). The present text contains (besides the Epistle, pp. 103-107 m.) the three examples of supernatural punishment for the transgression of Sunday pp. 107 m.-108 m., pr. Meyer, ZCP 3, p. 228, from Harleian 5280) and Cáin Domnaig proper (pr. O’Keeffe, Anecdota iii, p. 21). See Flower, B.M. Cat. ii, p. 309.

112 . Nim geiph format fri fer fionn, 14 qq. Pr. Meyer, ZCP 6, p. 267, from this ms.

113 . [TOCHMARC EMIRE], See p. 21, supra. This section (pp. 113-124) should follow p. 24, as already stated (with exception of p. 118, where portion of another text is interpolated), and be followed in its turn by pp. 11-12, 25-26, 125-128.

118 . Fragment of a tale quoting the Dindshenchus of Emain Macha, beg. here miniugad do durgairdiug a seta. Ends : as fuair a mBuirinn Connacht ic fuine tuirc allaid. Iarfaidhid (= ed. Stokes, Rennes Dindshenchus, Rev. Celt., 16, p. 280, 1. 26). Cf. variant version, p. 68 m., of this ms. This curious interpolation, which does not affect the sequence of the text on pp. 117, 119, points to the fact that the scribe was copying his exemplar carefully page by page. Cf. Tochmarc Emire (p. 21) and the Triads (p. 98), where text of vellum folios exactly fits into gaps in the paper portion of the ms. The handwriting from p. 129 on appears to be later than that of the rest of the ms.

129 . BAILE BINNBERLACH MEIC BUAIN. Beg. Tri hui Capa mic Cinga mic Rosa mic Ruiruighi, Monach ⁊ Baile ⁊ Fer Corp. Pr. O’Curry, MS. Materials of Irish History, p. 472 ff.; Meyer, Rev. Celt. 13, p. 221. O’Curry’s text has an addition at the end; the present text ends with the first quatrain attributed to Flann mac Lonáin.

131 . DERGRUATHAR RIGH NA RANN ⁊ NA RELTHANN (see end of text). Homily. Beg. Ar n-eiserge do Chríst a carcuir corcra coilleabthadh chliabhchumaing.

135 . Moral maxims, beg. Tuicc ar tus ⁊ lapair iar sin. Na mol munab inmolta nech ar son a shaidhbhrisa. Ends p. 141. Ed. Marstrander, Ériu 5, p. 126.

142 . A mic Luighdech, tolaibh snas, 14 qq.

143 . Scheme for an Irish Calendar of Saints (in older scribal hand). Only a few entries are made (some added in later hand). Incomplete and defective, owing to the mutilated state of the ms. Pp. 153, 154, 159, 160 contain fragmentary later sections of the text.

151 - 152 , 155 - 166 are apparently part of the same mutilated leaf, which contained a chart and directions for finding the Golden Number.

157 . Calculations of incidence of feasts (?) on certain days of the week (1728-47). Mutilated.

158 . Fragment beg. 8. Adueniens. 6. Freim. Some few notes in English accompany text.