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Mac Cruitín Fragment

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1 of 10 • outside front cover
outside front cover
pastedown, inside front cover
frontispiece, recto
frontispiece, verso
title-page, recto
title-page, verso
p. (v)
p. (318)
pastedown, inside back cover
outside back cover

Mac Cruitín Fragment

18th century. Paper. Fragment of manuscript, in single column, used to form pastedowns for cover of seventeenth-century printed book. Text in the hand of Aodh Buidhe Mac Cruitín (ob. 1755), with several scribal cancellations and corrections.

Signature of Sean Maglodhin on verso of title-page of printed book, following series of Latin texts, which are perhaps in his hand.


Image 01
Outside front cover .

Image 02
Pastedown, inside front cover . Preface. Acephalous. Beg. here (transversely). . .ladan. . . neireannach (?) do lorg go leirmheasda as tairis. Breaks off leabhar do fuarus romhum, le congnamh na druinge/ [. . . ] is mur sin do sgriobhus an tiomsach so im diaigh do/ [. . . ]leoghain ro onóraigh .i. Uilliam. 12 lines.

Image 03
Frontispiece, recto . Jottings: (a) Letters of alphabet (3 lines); followed (in same hand) by name (‘Stephen White (?)’) and address, cancelled (3 lines). (b) ‘Anno / 1732/3 February 6th/ . . . Curthín borrowed / this book from Mr Patrick / Cahane of [. . . ]lee in the Cond / Galway, [. . . ]then in his / hands M[. . . ]ins Lives / of P(?)[. . . ] S. Columbus (?) / & [. . . ] Edition in Paris. / [. . . ]ok of great value’ (10 lines).

Image 04
Frontispiece, verso .

Image 05
Title-page . Bears following names: ‘Hugh mc Curtin’ (bis) and ‘[E]dward [G]oulding’.

Image 06
Title-page, verso . (upper half). Headed: ‘Vagabundus de se jactat’. Text: ‘Sum pious [sic] Eneas surgenti robore Sampson / hospitio Sollomon Alter Apollo probor, / Divitiis Creseus sublime Caesar honoro / Julius eloquio carminis arte Maro, / posteritatis honos majorum lausque meorum/ ramus florescens aureus alter ego, / exit tirannus regum ultimus.’ Title-page, verso (lower half). The following epigrams written transversely:(a) ‘Nudus ut in terra veni sic nudus abibo.’ (b) ‘Discedam ut mudo’(cancelled). (c) ‘Discedam mundo ut solet unda sole.’ (d) ‘Do dona pauperibus do dili cuncta [refanda ?] / doque animam Christo doque cadaver humo.’ (e) ‘Quisquis eris qui transieris sta perlege plora / Sum quod eris fueramque quod es pro me precora ora.’ (f) ‘Magna fastorum genitus de gente Joanes / Nobilium murus spesque salusque virum / Magnanimus fortis prudens ac acer in Armis / hostibus et victis victor et ipse valet/ Qui [iacit hic ?] non unus adest hiet una sil [avna ?] / [. . . ] ipse fuit.’ Followed by (transversely): ‘Se Sean Maglodhin / do scriedh sodh’ (in Gaelic script).

Image 07
p. [v] .

Image 08
p. [318] .

Image 09
Pastedown, inside back cover . Dedicatory preface. Acephalous. Beg. here(transversely): thiagurna, ataid bur seanchadha na suan, agus a leabhair teimeallta gan taithíghe leis an oiread sin daimsir nach bfuil (dommheas) leightheóir láinchlisde, ná sgribhneoir sgagtha, ná file fíreolach, ná seanchaid sáirfheasach san ámso, gan ceas meatachta et mímhisnigh dá machtnu. Breaks off id chroidhe et id chuislionna go coitcheann tríotsa anois.

Image 10
outside back cover .

The manuscript fragment was photographed courtesy of Michael Sabin.

© Catalogue record by Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.