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Adv. LS 72.2.8

Catalogue of Gaelic Manuscripts in the National Library of Scotland

Adv. LS 72.2.8

Compiled by John Mackechnie p. 222 - 228

Vol. 1, Notes to the Manuscripts, Index of Initia, 1973

Paper, measuring 8 and 3/16th × 6 and 1/8th ins. enclosed in a leather jacket bearing a floral design. The book has fallen into three sections numbered thus : - Section A contains i + pp. 18 - 182 as numbered, Section B contains pp. 183 - 270 as numbered + i fol. not numbered and Section C is not numbered, or at least any numbering that may have once been there, has now faded out : the number of ff. in this section is 40. The date 1733 appears twice and also the date 1736, so that the Ms may have been written about the beginning of the 18th century. Ewen MacLachlan made an analysis of the Ms which is to be found in NLS. 72.3.4, pp. 6 - 18. The Ms passed through many hands, including one who knew 18th century military technical terms, as the non-textual notes show.

Non-textual notes : -

(i) (In the handwriting of John Mackenzie of the "Highland Society of London) "Keating’s History of Ireland”
p. 1 (not numbered) t.m.

(ii) "Alexander McLachlan"
p. 18 (middle)

(iii) "Doherty"
p. 45

(iv) "Cap(tain ?) Alexander McLachlan” (inverted)
p. 49

(v) "Alexander McLachlan"
p. 57



(inverted ) p. 76 , 1.m.

(vii) "Don”
p. 89 , b.m.

(viii) "John Crawfford his hand"
(inverted) p. 91 . b.m.

Note that a William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, was an owner of BM. Add. 33,993. Cf. Flower, "Cat"., notes on that Ms.

(ix) "Emanuel"
p. 105

(x) (Written by Ewen MacLachlan "Thus far Keating’s Hist."
p. 180 (centre)

(xi) "This Book belongs to Maurice King miner and if any Body should find this it (sic) at any time at lose (?) that he will be soe (good ?) as to Restore it to the owner again."

(xii) (In a very indistinct Irish script). "ag so

(xiii) leabair Ghaoghlige Muiris Mic an Ri agas ma ata (?) don te veris dom fein ar eias a ris e"

(xiv) "Alex M......" (inverted)
p. 181

(xv) "Duncan McTavish is my name and for to write (it) I think no (shame)"

(xvii) "Duncan McTavish"

(xviii) " and not for bounty and things/ you have nothing being". (This page was ruled for music.)
p. 182

(xix) "James ....Barronny of Kerricarihy (?)" (This is written on the fragment of a page between the first and second sections of the Ms.)

(xx) "Alex MacLachlan and his Irish Chronigle"

(xxi) Alex MacLachlan his Irish Mangeral Galick Book.”

(xxii) "Alexander macLachlan his Book"
p. 194

(xxiii) The scribe has inserted "1733".
p. 241

(xxiv) (A number of scribbles including) :- "Mr Donogane.....Deaise (?)...."

(xxv) "Semus O Crualaoigh an dara la Di... " (Note that a Ms of 1733 by Finghin O Cruadhlaoich is mentioned as a source in RIA, 24 L 22, fol. 118vo.)

(xxvi) "Don shoir (?)"

(xxvii) "One thousand seaven hundred and thirty three".
p. 242

(xxviii) (Inverted) "Many men of many minds" (repeated)

(xxix) "Command of hand advance."

(xxx) (In Irish script). "arna ar na sgriobh.

(xxxi) (Written sideways). "Learning and good".

(xxxii) "Learning".
p. 271

(xxxiii) "Many and innumerable" .

(xxxiv) "Many men of many minds".

(xxxv) (Written in Irish script). "arna sgriob ar na sgriobh leim".

(xxxvi) (The following are written sideways). "Demand not many questions in a strange land".

(xxxvii) "Spare not nor spind to much be this thog...".

(xxxviii) "Spare to spind and only spind".

(xxxix) (Written in Irish script). "m...benn sa an fear m...mhaith an gle na ccliomh san trenfhear...cnasda beol tais caoin a ccre g..... lag m...crich m...bronn m ...sglos duig fod ccois ...gan trod gan tsiom".
p. 272 (inverted)

(xl) "...David his hand and Irishe book".
p. 275 , r.m.

(xli) "Mary and innumerable"

(xlii) "Coidh (sic) e an leiginn".
p. 276 , r.m.

(xliii) "Learnig and good neature" (sic)
p. 277 , r.m.

(xliv) "Fortune".

(xlv) "I promise to pay or cause to be paid or cause to be paid or..."
p. 278 , r.m.

(xlvi) "Fortune feavoreth men of sma..."

(xlvii) "many and innumerable"
p. 279 , r.m.

(xlviii) "me Thadeum Croneen". (Note that Thady O Cronan was scribe of "An Seanchaidhe Muimhneach' 1739.. Cf. sub Tadhg O Cro(i)nin, but whether these are two different men or no, is not apparent.) RIA 23 N 30

(xlix) "Madam"

(l) "To find the greatest common measure of 637/ 819 :


(li) "What is the 133/480 of a pound sterling?


p. 280

(lii) "Timothy Cronine" (Cf. supra No. (xlviii)
p. 282

(Scattered here and there over the page) : -

(liii) "Morris King". (Note that John King is named in RIA. 24 L 8, written between 1784 and 1786)

(lv) "Patrick McFfarland aught this bok (sic) and no other but him: if anybody shall steall it he shall be hanged till a tree till the corbies pik out the ey(e)s of them that they may learn."

(lv) "Patrick McFfarland is my name and for to write it I think not shame if my penn were al...better I..."
p. 291

(lvi) "The man whose mind was mine was"

(lvii) "..a man whose ...mine..."

(Iviii) "Beauty and youth are faoing (sic) thing(s)"

(lix) "many and "

(lx) "Command your hand and advance your..."

(Ixi) "Evil commuications" (repeated)
p. 291 (sideways)

(Ixii) "Learning"

(Ixiii) "Fortune fav(ours ?)

(lxiv) "James Realy his hand"
p. 293 , r.m.

(Ixv) "David Doherty" (written three times)

(lxvi) "Duncan McTavish"
p. 294 , r.m.

(Ixvii) "ar na sgriobh le Riobard Geodhar" (Irish script)

(Ixviii) "arna sgriobh"

(Ixix) "Many and innumerable"
p. 295 , r.m.

(lxx) "Jacobus Condon by the". (Note that John Condon appears in RIA. 23 K 51, p. 46 - the Ms was written 18th-l9th century ?)
p. 295 , t.m

(lxxi) "David Doherty Lea..."
p. 295 , b.m.

(lxxii) "Learning earning"
p. 296 , r.m.

(Ixxiii) "Ag so ind ogain (? leg. ag so in din ogam)

(lxxiv) "as tu lu me" (?)

(Ixxv) "T (? leg.J) Dondon (? Condon )
p. 296 , b.m.(inverted)

(lxxvi) "faoi laghar na luicthe so curtha tha an ualle peast remhar/ d craig le dlighthe an fhuirin budh mhinuicc siemh teann/d...bearrde mise as gach nduine ata fulla(n)g phiann Gaill/amhais da digeadh ta tuille ⁊ fichthe bliaghain ann/.
p. 298 , r.m.

(Ixxvii) "Learing" (repeated)

(ixxviii) "Many"

(Ixxix) "nar sg i noilibh "(Irish script)
p. 301 , r.m.

(Ixxx) "arna sgriobh le Semus O Reile"

(Ixxxi) "Many men of many mind(s)"

(Ixxxii) "James Riely of Doneraile"
p. 302 , r.m.

(lxxxiii) "David Doherty of Glann"

(Ixxxiv) "C.Condon"

(Ixxxv) "...I promise to pay or cause to be p(aid)"

(Ixxxvi) "I promise to pay unto Mr James Realy or orders the sume of Eight pounds Sterling to be paid on demand if...Witness my hand"
p. 303 , r.m.

(lxxxvii) "Madam I am your humble servant to comand (sic) John Riely".
p. 305 , 1.m.

(Ixxxviii)" ar na sgriobh le Riobard Gaodhar". (Irish script.)

(Ixxxix) "Rec(eive)d September the twenty eight, 1736, of James Realy the sum of ten pounds Sterling ..and day and date above mentioned".
p. 306

(xc) " John Reily of Glann".
p. 307 , r.m.

(xci) "I promise to pay or cause to be paid”.

(xcii) "A captain of a ship being provided with 167 pounds for of (sic) bread".

(xciii) "Command of hand advance".

(xciv) " Many men of many minds".
p. 308 , r.m.

(xcv) "Beauty and youth are faoing..."

(xcvi) "Beauty and".

(xcvii) " how many miles" (repeated)
p. 309 , r.m.

(xcviii) (Written by John Mackenzie of the Highland Society of London). "This Ms is a part of Dr. Keating's History of Ireland - written in the reign of Charles 1. N.B. This, and the 21 leaves preceding contains the tale of Art, the father of the celebrated Cormac, king of Ulster, as may be deduced from the middle spaces of some of the foremost pages. J. McK.No.4."
p. 355

Contents : -

  1. Fragmentary text of Keating's "Foras Feasa ar Eirinn". Begins : - ...ol siat .i. mor ionmhas etc. which corresponds to the text in "ITS.", vol. l, p. 118, line 85 and the text runs on to op.cit., p. 120, line 17. After a break, the text resumes at a point corresponding to op.cit. vol. 3, p. 387, line 10 - the section which contains the counties and divisions of Ireland, which is sometimes found after Bk. 2. Then the text resumes at op. cit, vol. 1, p. 130. There is another break after op.cit. vol. 1, p. 136, line 83, at the word seacht and this break runs down to op.cit. , vol. 1, p. 142, line 1 - this break being due to loss of pages 26 - 30 of the Ms. On p. 105 the scribe has written "Emanuel" after the title, which is "Do ghabhail Meic Mileadh ar Eirinn ann so ⁊ da ndalaibh ⁊ cia tir asa ttangadar go hEirind", for which cf. op.cit., vol. 2, p. 56, line 861. The Ms omits the portion printed in op.cit. vol. 2, p. 70, line 1071 - p. 72, line 1120. The text ends abruptly with the words "mar do mheas imorro eisen do bhedh ag ternom", i.e. op.cit. , vol. 2, p. 206, line 3213.
    p. 1 - p. 180

  2. Tract on grammar beginning abruptly owing to loss of pages. Begins with the Gaelic alphabet and thereafter deals with triphthongs, viz. : - Treaghfhoghrach goirthear do thri guthuidhe cheang(ailte le ) cheile ⁊ a cuig a lion marta, aoi, eoi, iai, uai, iui. Ainmnighid ⁊ roinnid na filidhe na deghfhoghraidh ⁊ na foghraidh a ccuig aicmidhibh mar as leir
    p. 185
    An Chead Cha(i) litreach
    p. 188
    Trachtadh aithgheirr ar Ghuthaighibh
    p. 188
    An Dara Caibidil dona Guthaighibh
    p. 188
    An treas Ca(i)bidil dona Connsonaighibh
    p. 188
    The text ends : - geadhedh d' eagla mheasgaig an leighthora as oircheas a sgriobhadh mar ta NaomhMhuire, boird dearg, seang ghel.
    p. 192
    The scribe's colophon follows : - arna sgriobhadh le Uilliam Croinneach an 19 la deth mhi January, 1731/32. The whole tract has been published by George Calder in the "Celtic Review", vol. vii, pp. 52 - 63, but Calder has read "Croinneach" as "Ccinneach" which he renders as "Mackenzie".
    p. 185 - p. 192

  3. Table of contractions used in the writing of Gaelic Mss. Begins : - Trachtadh Aithghear Ar Noduigheacht Na Tengadh Ghaoidhilge etc.
    p. 193 - p. 194

  4. Poem of 5 qtt. without title. Begins : - Sirimsi Dia san san (sic) Bliaghuin lem brathair/urrsa na ccliar sna bfhial fear laidir/gun suidhim a stor ler snadhlm an ogbhean craifeach/mhionla mhoghmur mhnamhuil mhin tais corach pairteach/.
    Ends : - Radh gach saoi gur bi fa deara Traoi do leagais/ no pairt do naois san ccraoibh do cailedh aris deis teacht tar sail do/meastar linn gurab i iobhioll craighe cliana theas no aine/snior baithreach line suidhe na haice ce gur bi do shlad mo shIainte/.
    p. 195 - p. 196

  5. "Cath Finntragha" but here without title. Meyer has printed the text in "Rawl". B 487, ff. 1-11 (written in the 15th century) in "Oxford Anecdota. Med. and Mod. Ser., i, pt.iv, for which cf. Flower, "Cat.", p. 394. There is another text in NLS. 72.2.11, pp. 1 - 40. Very different from the present text is the "Lay" in NLS. 72.1.37, i.e. "Book of the Dean of Lismore", p. 90, 1 - 96, 20, printed by J.F.Campbell in "LNF.", p. 137, where Campbell, relying on Islay traditions of a battle between Fionn and the Norsemen, placed the scene of the battle at the "White Strand" near Bolsay in Islay. Cf. for another text of NLS. 72.1.37, p. 90, 1 - 96, 20, Cameron ,"Rel. Celt." vol. 1, p. 6 sqq. Begins : - Riogh uasal ordnidhe ro ghaibh flathes ⁊ forlamhus for an domhain mor go huilidhe ans (sic). Eirinn dar comhainm Daire Donn Mac Loscinn Lomghluinig ⁊ do thineoil se ard righ gacha raoigheachta do chum Aomhuinigh, etc. The tale ends : - Gurab tract Caoilainn an inid sin o shin alae. Is ann sin tangodar aos ceoil ⁊ oirfideacht ⁊ bandala na Feine do aidhlaca chorp a ttrlatha ⁊ a ttiarnuldhe ⁊ do bhreith an meid budh ionleighis diobh leo. 1733. Gonadh e sin Cath Fionntragha.
    p. 197 - p. 237

  6. Poem of 24 qtt. without title. Begins : - Do dhaileas gean do raeghaltinn/as aille dreach sus seimhe/do rug barr a maitheas ceille/an inntleacht sa.... Ends : - Monab aill le gadh na greine/plastra cneasaighthe eigin/da pairt do thabairt saor damh/sa cill bed ag feoghadh/.
    p. 238

  7. Poem of 16 qtt. without title but ascribed in a number of RIA Mss to Sean Ruadh O Seitheachain (al. Siothchain). Begins : - Ce gur bhfada me am mhaighistir dheaghhathach des Mumhnach/is do bharra mo phagha ni dhearna ba cuintais/mor bhfeasach me am chaible ar sraid na measg cuirte/ a cceanas go ttanamh Dath O Maghthamhna/. Cf. RIA. 23 B 38 (written by Seamus O Murchughadh in 1778- 1779), p.115, RIA., 23 K 9 (written by Miochal O Mathughna al. Michl. Mahony, 1821), p.37, where there is the note : - Seaghan Ruadh O Seitheachain sgolmhaghistear a cCiarruidhe cct. do Dhaibhi Ua Mathghamhna do oil se no sgolaire ar a sgoil fein saor, gur phos bean ghalldha agus gur iompuig fein chum teampall chum sgoile do chomead a glaca gabhna beag mar thaille, agus a cur dlighe Gall a bhforsa ar Sheaghan Ruadh do bhi no Chatoilicighe.
    p. 239 - p. 241

  8. (Written inverted and without title) The 2 qtt. give weather prognostications from St. Paul’s Day. Begins : - La St. Pol ma fhogrann grian go glan/beidh gran go leor an gach sord san bliaghain go maith/mas baisteach mhor am noin, mas sliabh go geal/deirid faige an eoil gur coir don bhia bheith tearc/Mas ard an feoithne on 1' Pol go dian ag teacht/beidh Mars go beo ⁊ gleo aige a ccian san gar/mas samh an ceo ar gach mor chnoc tiar is teas/beig ar na mbo na nogne liath na sean/.
    p. 242

  9. The tale of the "Bruighean Caorthuinn". There is another text in NLS. 72.1.34, fol. iai - 12bl2, and another in NLS. 72.1.38, p. 175 - I92. Cf. also for the Reverend Donald Mac Intosh's transcript of Ewen MacPhail's Ms (written at Dunstaffnage etc. 1603, i.e. 72.1.34), cf. NLS. 72.3.11, pp. 1- 27. Mac Intosh's transcript is published by J. F. Campbell, "LNF. ", p. 86 sqq. from a transcript made in 1872, by Donald Mac Pherson of the Advocates' Library. Cf. Notes to the Mss quoted supra. Begins : - Ardrigh uasal oirdheirc ro ghaibh flathas ⁊ forlamas for ceithre treabhaibh Lochlann dar budh comhainm Colgan cruad-armach mac Dath Chaoin dein mhic Tinne trein-chalma ⁊ do chomhoradh aonagh ⁊ ard oirechas leis ar faitha cathrach na Beirbhe Lochlannuighe etc. Ends abruptly owing to loss of one whole page which has been torn out.
    p. 243 - p. 264

  10. Poem of 12 qtt. headed, “Domhnall Mheigh Carrtha na Tuile cct." The poem is found with the same ascription in RIA. 23 B 38 (written by Seamus O Murchughadh 1778 - 1779), p. 42, in RIA., 23 N 32 (written by Micheal Og O Longain between 1829-1831), p. l83, in RIA., 23 E 16 (written also by Michael Og O Longain between 1804 and 1808), p. 274 and in RIA. 23 D 15 (written by Martan O Ceallachain, Uaitear O Maldomhna and Sean O Conaill circa 1775), p. 106. Begins : - Do sgriobfad coip cheannsa as greanda sas treathach/is tar saoithibh na gceanntar an leabhar bhile beasach/don riogfhuil ba sheannda O Reamhar ucht an ein ghil/le dioghras gan fallsacht ar gleanntaibh ghuirt Eimhir/.
    p. 265 - p. 266

  11. Poem of 25 qtt. without heading but followed by "Domhnall mheagh Carrthaigh na Tuille cct." Begins : - Am luidhe go cluite is me faon ageas/a smuimhneamh ar chlaoin bhreathaibh saoghail na gcleas/san oidhche na sior chleachtaid beithe teacht/a sniomh mhilleadh saoithe le saobhaibh beart/.
    p. 267 - p. 270

  12. Poem of 2 qtt. - illegible.
    p. 273

  13. Poem of 42 qtt. without title but the poem is a lament for somebody difficult to identify. The text is very for somebody difficult to identify. The text is very obscure and does not become legible till qt. No. xi. viz. Ag conn na bruighne caoinfid dreasa/ a ccnoc greine teighfid basa (?)/ an dun tri liag no ag rian a stapa (?stara) /biadsa is Cliona ag caoi Is ag sgreadadh/. La dom rian is miann liom aithris/do bhios ar ardchnoc aine ag machtnamh/do chuala caomghol sighe aig ainnlr/ a gruag le gaoith is i sniomh a glaca/. Taim fa canntlamh leam nior bhannamh/an diaigh gach sloigh do phor fhuil Ghearalt/do mhacsa O Chabhla as buan mo mhairg/.... gach deaghnach deag ar ccaruid/. Mo thruadh nach ag tuargnadh catha/no an gleo lann na bFrangach dfanuls/mar a bhfhaghann tuairisg uait no teasdas/seoch do bhas do bheith laimh le baile/. In RIA. 23 N 13 (written by Micheal mac Peattair O Longain, Sean O Murchadha na Raithineach and, possibly, by Micheal Og O Longain) in the 18th century), p.240, there is a poem entitled "larccaoine chSeaghain Mhic Gearailt do thuit tre fheall" beginning : - A Mhic na pairte, taimse ad tagall, containing 160 lines + 2 stt. written by the father of the dead man. In the present poem a "Gearalt" is lamented and he fell by treachery also. Further, the next poem in RIA. 23 N 13, p. 243, is by Muiris (mac Daibhi Dhuibh) Mac Gearailt and begins : - Mal(l)acht ort, a Bhais bhronaigh as does the next poem in the present Ms.
    p. 273 - p. 280

  14. Poem of 20 qtt. of which the title and much of the poem is illegible. Begins : - Mallocht ort a bhais bhronaigh/.... .../cuig mile agus seacht do cheaduibh/ ta dar..../. Cf. supra No. 13.
    p. 281 ,1 - p. 282 ,15

  15. Poem of 3 qtt. without title but the name "Timothy Cronine" appears in the margin beside the poem. The text is very obscure. Begins : - A bhas bhoicht as craighte do sgeal gach laoi/is dfagbhus gan tairsioch gun treinfhir sinn/gun ard fhlaith gun bhriathair na treighthach grinn/tamuid (?) inar naitrebh gach leir na suighe/. Ends : - T....gan airneis gun sproidhe gun mhaoin/gun aitreabh gun aros iona bfeadfainn luighe/mo lan toil an dearna sa ndeanfad dio.../ag sasamh na paise ler ceasadh Criosd/.
    p. 282 ,17 - p. 283 ,4

  16. "'Life of Saint Margaret" headed, "Beatha Saint Margread Naomhtha". Begins : - Gein tsuthain tsaochinealach ard chraibhtheach bhithbhuagach etc. Ends abruptly, unfinished by the scribe, who left a page and a half blank, evidently for the rest of the text. This seems to be the same as that in BM.Eg. 1781 (written between 1484 and 1487), fol. 49b, the author of which was Philip O Dalaigh, who, suggests Flower, "Cat.", p. 531, was a canon of the Premonstratensian House of Holy Trinity on Holy Trinity island in Loch Ce, for whom cf. "Annals of Loch Ce", p. 492, or of its daughter house on Holy Trinity island in Loch Uachtair, co.Cavan. The present text differs from that described by Stern in "ZCP." vo1. 1, p. 119 sqq. and also from that In BM.Eg. 1781, by omitting the verse in the latter. There is another modern form of the text, like the present in omitting the verse, in BM.Add. 39665 (written by Sean O Deoradhain in 1897), fol. 114. Cf "Martyrology of Gorman" ed. Stokes for the "Henry Bradshaw Society" (London, 1895).
    p. 283 - p. 291

  17. Poem (fragmentary) of 106 qtt. headed, "An ced chaibidil don obuirso thrachtas air chruthughadh an Domhain, air uabhar an Aingil, air bhrisedh na halthne, air chur Adhaimh as Parthus, air aimsir nangras, air ghuidhe na naingeal, feoghabhala na breithrediadha, fiosruighe S. Elizabeth, breith an Tiagharna A Representation". There is a similar text in BM.Eg. 179(written by Proinnsias O Raghallaigh in 1727), and there is a full text in TCD., H.4.11. Begins : - Se la bhi Dia na briathraibh caoine/a cruthughadh an domhain O thosach gu finit/ Dia Domhna air ttuis do chuir siobhal/is nemh is talamh do dhelbh gach ni aco.
    p. 293 ,7

    Thereafter the poem is broken into the following : -
    (b) Duabhar an Aingil
    p. 296 ,1 - 17

    (c) Air bhriseadh na halthne
    p. 296 ,18 - 300 ,24

    (d) Do ghuidhe na naingeal
    p. 300 ,25 - 301 ,28

    (e) Dfeolghabhail na breithre diadha
    p. 302 ,1 - 304 ,12

    (f) Dfiosrughadh S. Elizabeth
    p. 304 ,12 - 306 ,20

    (g) Do Bhreith an Tiagharna
    p. 306 ,21 - 308 ,18

    (h) Do Representation an Tiagharna
    p. 308 ,19

    The text ends abruptly at the end of the first qt. of section (h) owing to loss of pages.
    p. 293 - 309

  18. "Cath Mucraimhe". There is another text in NLS. 72.1. 38, pp. 71-114 q.v. and the notes thereon. There is a transcript by Even MacLachlan in NLS. 72.3.5, pp. 132 - 148. Cf. Flower, "Cat.", p. 400. Begins : - Ardrigh crodha cruthniamhdha calma ceartbhreathrach..Art ollchosnamhach ardghnioinhach..oirdheirc Ceadchatha etc. The present text agrees with that in NLS. 72.1.38 as far as p. line 1 of that Ms which = p. 325, line 9 of the present Ms. Thereafter the pages of the present Ms become less and less legible till finally, the text fades out completely. There does not seem to be any other text in the present Ms.
    p. 310 - 354