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LS 30

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in King's Inns

LS 30

Miscellaneous Fragments

18th cent. Paper. Six separate fragments folded together in sheets bearing advertisement of Murrays (publishers), labelled ‘30’ and marked ‘Irish MS / & / Lease of House / Revd. H. Ware’. Most of the material is in the hand of Séamas Ó Murchadha (James Murphy, (a) [4]), scribe of MSS 6, 7, 29, in this collection.


Two bifoliums, pp. [1-4] and 22-5, c. 15.5 × 10 cms. First leaf labelled ‘548’ and ‘N°. 1 / Fragment of Dictionary, and an Elegy on Father Stafford’ on blue paper (in O’Curry’s hand); letters ‘d/d’ also occur; verso blank. Pp. 3 and 4 each marked ‘The Irish Grammar or an Introduction to the Irish Language’; repeated in [4] and followed by 'Iames Murphy 1799’; otherwise blank. Pp. 22-5 bear a fragment of the grammar (in English), dealing with the article and other unstressed words, here also called articles. Words ‘A Dictionary’ on p. 22 i (inverted).


1 leaf, 14.5 × 9 cms, paginated 17-18; dry-point ruling.


17. Eoghan Ó Duithche an Bráthair bocht. Léig ud choimheas dhuinn. 10 qq. Incomplete ( catchword).


1 leaf, 15 × 9.5 cms, unnumbered; verso blank. Contains list in Irish of church festivals. Beg. Domhnach Admheint. Ends Faráil Chriost san teampull, no lá glanadh Naoimh Mhuire Óigh.


28 pp. [1+5 (blank) + 19 (numbered 2-20)+3 (blank)], 16.5 × 10 cms; ruled by dry point.


[1]. Title: ‘A Dictionary, Explaining some of the most Ancient and difficult words in the Iberno-celtic or Irish Language. Also The Irish names of the Months and Days, and in what manner the Ancient Irish Reckoned their time and seasons’. Rest of page and following 5 pp. blank.

2. ‘A Compendious Irish Dictionary’. Beg. A / A, a hill, a knock, an eminence. Breaks off (p. 20 i) Bagha, a promise, baghaim, I promise. Remainder blank.


2 leaves, 33 × 20 cms, folded in four, unnumbered.


[1]. ‘Air bhás an dochtuir diadhacht oirdheirc an t’athair Seodhan Staford noch do fuir bas an chéad lá don tochtmhad mídhe aois an Tighearna 1781.’ A Athair Seón is tusa mo dheacair. 95 lines divided into 11 irregular sections. A lament for Dr John Stafford, coadjutor bishop of Ferns (ed. P. de Brún, The Past 8 (1970) 43-51).

[4]. (in sections of last page). List of first lines of poems, with page-references from 185 to 290. This table refers to the contents of RIA 23 B 38, written by Séamas Ó Murchadha in 1778-9, and is evidently part of the complete list of contents which was used as the basis for the alphabetical index included in 23 B 38 (pp. 292-302), each first line being marked with a cross as it was entered in the new list. Foll, by arithmetical matter.


Printed indenture, filled in with signatures etc. Lease of house in Stephen’s Green, Dublin, for 99 years at the yearly rent of £50, from Rev. Henry Ware, rector of Ballruddery, to Matthew Reade, Esq. Dated 15 December 1764. Witnesses: Rachel Winterborne, Hugh Smith, Henry Moore.