Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in King's Inns
LS 20
18th cent. Paper. 19.5×15 cms. Pp. 236, numbered in pencil. Scribes: (a) Pp. 5-115, Peter Naghten, 1724 (pp. 5, 16 i, 19 i, 59 i, 65 i, 82 i, 96 i). (b) Most of the remainder of the manuscript (including marginalia in Irish) is in the hand of Peter Naghten's father (see Éigse 1 (1939) 103-115), Tadhg Ó Neachtain (p. 140 i; cf. p. 116), 1728 (p. 141 i), with dates 1731 (p. 177) and 1736 (p. 219 m) also occurring. Some of this section was possibly written with the co- operation of another scribe, whose hand (if it is not simply a variant style of writing) appears in p. 116 (except first two lines), and in parts of pp. 151-83, 185-92. (c) Pp. 221-36, unidentified. The material in pp. 2-3, 14, was added by a later hand (in 1784?).
Bound in boards and vellum. Words 'Éirinn / [. . .]' on spine; label (auction-tab ?) has fallen off. Two fragments of paper glued outside back cover, bearing number '17' and some words of Irish. Once owned by Maurice O'Gorman and listed in his catalogue of 3 October 1772 (NLI G 664, f. 5 v, no. 36).
Notes and jottings: (a) Inside front cover. 'What ye Jesuits noyse in thorn / bambolia; clangor; stridor, taratantura, murmur / Ye Epitaph of Czar of Muscovy / Eu jacet hic magnus, magnae qui magna reliquit / Regna, pius, sapiens, victor ubique potens', with date 1724. Foll. in another hand by '1732 May ye 13 Lent Mr. Haris the books following / Tomasius Lattin Emelius Probus Lattin / a Collection of Lattin verbs octavo manuscript / a Quarto in manuscript on severall ocations' and the name 'Joseph' (smudged; different hand). (b) 1. 'JosP. Thos. Finnegan / Jeremiah Lomasny' (?). 'Leabhar maruighecht Pheadair Ui Neachtuin / 1724 / +' 'JosP. Thos. Mc. Finnegan.' Dhúileamh gabhar mo ghlór. 1 q., foll, by words 'Chum mórghlóire Dé' and 'Paul No. 8' (cf. MS 19). 'A Náthcliath ionna rugad an Peadar shuas a ttearmonn Iarla na Mídhe a gCólailli a bparaiste naoimh Chatarina, an naodhughadh la fiodhchead do Jún 1709 ag se a chlog a ndiaigh meadhoin laoí la fhéil Pheadair apstol.' (c) 14. 'The hard year was in 1783 / The Bad weather year was in the yr./ 1784 Begun December 1783 /& Continued untill February the 26th. / when it Begun to thaw, & was one / of the most Desperat wet Days that / any mortal ever Beheld. & continued / So from Eight in the morning untill / Two o'clock in the afternoon.' (d) Inside back cover. 'Gidh fuar an roinn fuair mar thobhadh . mac an ghaill o Choill Chluan Gobhadh / fuair mar roinn mac an ghaill . ingean Ui Chaomhanaigh ag Eustasasach Choille / Chluana Gabhadh gcon. Chille Dara' (1 q. ?). 'O Seacnusa tréan ag inghean an Bharadh bhréin.' Foll. by some topographical notes in Irish.
2 m. When poor O'Neill once ruled the flock. 1 st. (4 lines). May be part of second poem on p. 3. Remainder of page blank.
3. (a) Ballimore I' faith a pleasant Town. 12 lines (b) Against Michael Devey O! Doors be shutt. 8 lines (see also p. 2 m).
4. Blank.
5. Title: 'Peter Naghten, his Book' (in ornamental letters). Foll, by 'I h s' in red pencil.
6-8. Blank.
9. AN ABRIDGMENT OF GEOMETRY (in English). Pp. 36, 58, 88, 94-5, blank ; for p. 14 see above. P. 96 : 'The Decimal Table for Inches, halves, and quarters'. Foll, by signature 'Peter Naghten October 1724'. The following dates and signatures also occur: 'Anno Dom. 1724' (p. 16 i); 'Peter Naghten' (p. 19 i); 'September .23. 1724' (p. 59 i); 'Petrus Naghten. Septembris die .24°. 1724' (p. 65 i); 'October .5. 1724' (p. 82 i).
116. 'Tadg Ua Neachtain .cc.' Uaisleacht ag iaradh gean is gradh. 7 qq. Lower half of page blank.
117. EIRINN RANNTADH RÉIR CHRONAIC GAILL. Beg. 32 contaethibh san gcrioch. 253 baruntacht, no trioichaibh céad ionn a bhfuil 1586 paraistibh. List of the baronies in each county.
121. 'Riomhfhocloir ar coigidhibh, contaedhibh, baruntaibh, cathracaibh, bailtibh, daingnochaibh, aibhnibh, diseartaibh, locaibh, cuantaibh, calaibh, sleibhtibh beannaibh, ⁊c. . .' Arranged in roughly alphabetical order. Signature 'Tadg Ua Neachtuin' with date 29 September 1⁊28 at p. 140 i.
141 m. Lists (in Irish) arranged by provinces and counties, giving chief towns, parliamentary boroughs etc., and in some cases, areas in acres (added later). Other items of information also included. Most of p. 150 blank.
151. Glossary of plant and herb names, arranged alphabetically by Latin names, with corresponding names in English and Irish. Foll. (p. 168 i) by : 'Deo Gratias deiparaeque. Is liadh, iomadamhuil lus a nEirinn no a Sasana ⁊ fasan no meaduighean colliflower .⁊. skirret, ⁊ apricocks an Eirinn ní bhus fearr no a Sasana do reir an tSasanaidh Caleb Threlkeld, ag a raibh fuath air Ghaodhulaibh'. The list is evidently based on Threlkeld's Synopsis stirpium hibernicarum alphabetice dispositarum . . . (Dublin 1727).
169. Notes in English on Chaucer followed by poems by Leland, Thomas Occleve, John Lidgate, Spenser, John Hardin, Robert Fabian, Robert of Glocester, Francis Quarlos, Robert Herick, Thomas Randolph. Ends (p. 176 i) with couplet: Marmora Moeonii vincunt monumenta libelli / vivitur ingenio, coetera mortis erunt. // the Muses works Stone monuments outlast / 'tis witt keeps life, all else death will down cast.
177. Account in Irish of fires which occurred in June 1731 in London, Blanfort, Tiverton in Devonshire, Hoborn Turnstile in London and Cari in Somersetshire.
178. (a) Ceithre bliadna 'smileceart. 1 q. On the battle of Cnoc Tuaigh (1504). (b) Mile bliadhuin is chuig chéad. 1 q. On the death of [Maolruanaidh] Ó Cearbhaill (1532). Most of page blank.
179. [NA TRÍ CHOLLA.] Beg. Do geine Airt Aenair o Chonn chéad chathach, do geine Cormac o Airt et Cairbre ó Corbmac. . . . Foll. (p. 182) by account of descendants of the Trí Cholla. Ends p. 183 i; bottom of page blank.
184. Account in Irish of the erection in Dublin in 1728 of a monument in honour of George III and Queen Caroline, with a copy of the Latin inscription.
184 i. Dhá ttrían galar lé hoidhche. 1 q.
185. Conn mac Seadhain Ui Neill. Calíon ríogh is damhna teann. 12½ qq.
186. Aithris dhúinn a mhic bheig bháin. 3 qq. Remainder of page blank.
187. Aimergen glungheal tuir teann. 63 qq.
193. Account in Irish of laws passed in Ireland during the reigns of Edward II, Henry VI, Edward IV, Henry VII and Henry VIII.
201-2. Blank.
203. 'Dominca Passionis Sermo 1736 ap: 11th.' Beg. Tulerunt ergo Lapides ut jacerent in eum. . . . Most famous city of Jerusalem, thou art therefor resolved to stone to death the son of the Living God! Ends (p. 219 m) & of everlasting happiness in the world to come, which the Almighty thro: his infinite Mercy may grant to you and to me. Amen. Fr Bonra . Boylan, 1736 Ap: 11th. Foll, by: 'Dia do dheanamh trócaire ar an mbráthair mbocht Bonaventura Ua Baoidhillean do Ord Mionur Sanc Proinsias amen ⁊ tig an tseanmóir shuas go fire a naghaidh gailleaspuig rear ttearna seanmoir san ló ceadna a tteampoll San Caitrin in Athcliath, mar a bhfuair cognamh mór airgidh o a phupall re sgolluigeacht do phronnadh ar dhileachtaibh, ⁊ dhearoilibh catoiliceadh re go seanadaois go brath sean creideam mhic Calphuirn ionar seoladh a sinnsear a ttos criostamhlacht in innis Eireann'.
220. Blank.
221. 'The Names in English, Irish, and Latin; of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, or Insects, which are known and propagated in Ireland. Alphabetically.' Arranged in three columns (English, Irish, Latin). A few additions in later ink. Beg. An Ant or Pismire, or Emmet, Seangán, Formica Myrmex. Ends (p. 236 i) Yellow Hammer . Gealbhán-baoí. Lúg-bhuídh . Galgulus.