Teach Cluain Mhalais
A fragment of a poem on the shield of Fionn mac Cumhaill. For the full text see Eoin Mac Neill and Gerard Murphy, Duanaire Finn: the Book of the Lays of Fionn Irish Texts Society Vols 7, 28, 43 (London 1908, 1933, 1953) Poem XVI.
(?) 17th cent. Paper. 9 × 13–13.5 cm. Ff. 3, unnumbered. No scribal signature.
Unbound; side-stitched. 12–14 lines. Stained and fragile. Jottings: (a) alphabet transversely inner margin ff. [1]r, [3]v. (b) [1]r, upper margin. 'Comrosg' (?). (c) [1]r, lower margin. 'E[. . .] .' (d) f. [2]r, lower margin. 'bbc ni beag sin.' (e) f. [2]v, lower margin. 'Ag sin cuid.' (f) f. [2]v, lower margin. 'Ni beag.' (g) f. [3]r, upper margin. 'I onli write.'
[1]r. 'Uchan air sceit.' Uchan a sgiath mo righ reidh. Breaks off (f. 3[v]) with q. 39.
Pádraig Ó Macháin