Coláiste na Rinne was founded in 1905. Irish courses for teenagers are held there each summer from June to August. Scoil na Leanbh, an all Irish-speaking residential primary school for girls and boys, which was founded in 1919, is run in the College each year from September to May. The well-known summer school, Daonscoil na Mumhan, is held in the College each year in the last fortnight of August.
There are six Irish manuscripts dating from the 19th century in the Library at Coláiste na Rinne. The three oldest of these, MSS 1–3, were bequeathed to the College by one of its founders, Dr Richard Henebry (1863–1916).
MS 1, pp. 1–60, comprise copies of two Ulster cycle tales, Brisleach Mhór Mhaighe Mhuirtheimhne and Oidheadh Chonlaoich, written by Amhlaoibh Ó Súilleabháin, Callan, Co. Kilkenny. He completed transcribing the latter tale on 4 April 1812. MS 1, pp. 61–70, comprise a copy of a religious poem and are in an unidentified hand. MS 1, pp. 71–304, were written by Denis Woulfe, Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, in 1816, and comprise a grammar of Irish, a list of manuscript contractions, and a collection of poetry. MS 1, pp. 305–400, the final part of the manuscript, were written by Seán Ó Dálaigh (1800–1878) of Lickoran, Co. Waterford, and comprise a collection of poetry by Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn, Séathrún Céitinn, Dáibhí Ó Bruadair and others. Ó Dálaigh completed his transcription of the Ó Bruadair poems in Youghal, Co. Cork, on 9 March [? 1829].
MS 2 was written in Co. Cork. Seán Ó Súilleabháin, Rylane, East Muskerry, Co. Cork,wrote its opening section, a collection of prose tales, and Ossianic and other poetry, in 1819. The second part of the manuscript was written by Tomás Ó hÉigeartaigh, Roscarbery, in 1839. It comprises a collection of Ossianic and other poetry, some of it accompanied by English translation.
MS 3, frequently referred to as the “O'Neill manuscript”, was written mainly by Pádraig Ó Néill (1765–1832) Owning, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny, in the years 1818–19, and comprises a collection of Irish poetry, and essays and correspondence in English. The manuscript also contains some leaves written by Michéal Óg Ó Longáin, Carrignavar, Co. Cork, for Art Ó Laoghaire, in 1813, and some material written by Seán Ó Doinn (1815–92), Co. Kilkenny, in 1863.
MSS 4 and 5, evidently presented to Coláiste na Rinne by Liam Ó Miadhacháin (1874–1960), Rinn Ó gCuanach, comprise copies of Keating's Forus Feasa ar Éirinn written by Patrick Carmody (ob. 1909), Mill House, Kilrossanty, Co. Waterford. Carmody wrote MS 4 in 1893–4, and MS 5 evidently before that date.
MS 6 was presented to Coláiste na Rinne in 1982 by the family of Séamus Ó Cléirigh of Waterford city. It comprises for the main part a copy of Cúirt an Mheadhón Oidhche and is in an unidentified hand.
Coláiste na Rinne also holds a collection of 20th century copybooks and notebooks. The collection includes six copybooks written in German by Dr Richard Henebry during the years 1896–8, and a number of Irish notebooks written by Archbishop Michael Sheehan (1870–1945) during the period 1904–22.
© Summary description by Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha, 1999