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MS A 25

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in University College Dublin

A 25


17th cent. Paper. 19 × 14.5 cms. Pp. 230 numbered in ink. MS is of Northern provenance and may be dated to the second decade of the seventeenth century (see P. Walsh, IMN 1928, 27), but there are no scribal signatures. The main portion seems to be the work of one scribe (sometimes possibly relieved by another), who left many blank leaves at first and later filled in some of them in different ink and added corrections and titles here and there. The hand may be that oí Brian Mag Niallghuis, scribe of A 19. Pp. 118 m-122, 125-7, 207, 210-12, are by two or three different hands, one of which is that of Eoghan Mhac Diarmada, 1628 (see p. 127) and another of which is also found in A 33, 37-40. Pp. 55-68 were added later to fill a lacuna in the text (p. 55, upper margin: 'Ag so ea[s]baidh do bi ar a in [sic] leabhar so'). Ruling by dry point.

MS much damaged, with loss of text on pp. 1-30, 129-64. Some pages almost completely faded and illegible. Now carefully repaired and bound in half-leather with former press-mark 'A 34' in gilt on spine. Old vellum cover containing part of a grammatical tract and marked 'No 16' preserved separately together with a collation of the original gatherings (dated March 1937). This shows that leaves have been lost or cut out before pp. 1, 19, 55, 201, 209, 217. A paper hinge containing some writing has been bound in between pp. 54 and 55. Old leather bindings now preserved separately with those of A 19. The illuminated Latin vellum cover mentioned by Hyde (ITS I (1899) xiii) is not now with the MS.

Previously described by M. Nettlau (RC 11 (1890) 326), D. Hyde (ITS I (1899) xiii-xiv) and P. Walsh (IMN 1928, 27-8), and used by E. Knott in her edition of the poems of Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn (see ITS XXII (1922) xciii). For other references see below.

Notes and marginalia: (a) Aoibhinn a bheadh ambrugh nimhe. 1 q. Snatches of this quatrain occur at pp. 1 i, 29 i, 108 i, 206 m, 228 i, all except the last in blue ink. (b) 57, upper margin. Misi fein dá ndearnuinn dán. maith lióm lughaide air seachrán. ½ q. From the poem on p. 131 i. (c) 91 i. A De ui on a De ui. 1 q. Cf. Dánfhocail (1921) no. 194. (d) 105 i (inverted), 'bennacht chuguibh a chairde ionmhuine'. (e) 123, upper margin. 'Ni beg sin duit Emuinn I

Dongaile [. . .]'. (f) 124, upper margin. Nescio quid sit amor. . . . 1 line. Cf. p. 210. (g) Probationes pennae on pp. 126, 134. (h) 204, upper margin. 'Amen bennacht chugad a Bhriain Ui Neill (et ataim da chur) cugad go', (i) 208 m. Beir mo bendacht go Dundalc. ½ q. See É. Ó Muirgheasa, Céad de cheoltaibh Uladh (Baile Átha Cliath 1915) no. 86, and cf. Éigse 4 (1943) 156. (j) 211 i. 'An se [sic] so leabar Sheain Uí Neill mhic Cormuich'. (k) 214 i (inverted). 'Misi anduine bocht gan costus agam a nDrochit Ath, Amen dico uobis' (twice). (1) 215 i (inverted). 'Sluagh sidh so a nEamhai[n]'. (m) 216. 'Ataim ar ti dana do dheanamh'. Taim agcás eidir da comairle. 2 11. (cf. p. 118 m). 'Jesus, Maria, Cearbhall Farblaidh fuair mur mnaoi'. Other scribblings on pp. 63, 90, 106, 128, 151, 185, 208-9, 226, 230.

Once owned by Seán Ó Farandán (see p. 127).


1 . Lochrand soillsi ag síol Ádhoimh. 43 qq. (First line repeated in different ink in upper margin.) Ed. from other MSS by L. M'Kenna, Dán Dé (Dublin [1922]) no. XXVIII.

5 . Breisleach Mhuighe Muirtheimhne ina naithristear bás Choncculuind (title in later hand). Beg. [F]eacht naon dia mbaoi Ulaidh an Eamhoin mhinaloinn Mhacha gu suphoch soimheanmnach et tainig Cu Culainn gu Dun Dealgan. Space left for ornamental initial F. Breaks off at p. 17 m: mo chiall ⁊ mo cuimne ⁊ mo [. . .] [==ed. of A. G. Van Hamel, MMIS III (1933) 82.16]. Rest of page and all of p. 18 blank.

19 m (top of page blank). Gofroidh fiond O Dalaigh cc. ['dUilliam O Cheallaigh', in later ink]. Filidh Eirionn go haointeach. 41 qq. Ed. by E. Knott from RIA 23 L 17 and this MS, Ériu 5 (1911) 51-69.

23 . [Eachtra Chloinne Ríogh na hIoruaidhe.] Beg. Ri uasol oireadha ro ghaph flaitheas et forlamhnus .... Ends (p. 83 m) et do scaoileadh ar . r. r. (?) an domain da ccriochaibh fpein oshin amach, finid, amen, ailim trocoire ar an Tríonoid. Ed. by D. Hyde, ITS I (1899), from other later MSS with variants from this MS.

83 m. Comhrag Fir Diadh et Choncculainn andso. Beg. As andsin do hiomraidheadh ag fearoibh Eirionn cia budh coir do chathughadh et do chruadhchomhrag re Coin ccathbhuaghaigh Cculainn. Ends (p. 102 m) as cluithe dhamh gach comhrac dá ndearnus riamh gusan ccomhracsa Fhir Dhiag, cconade comhrac Fhir Dhiagh agas Chonccolainn go nuige sin ⁊r. Finis. Rest of page blank. Ed. by R. I. Best from this MS, ZCP 10 (1915) 274-98. For a poem from this tale, see A 19, 1 r marg.

103 . 'Tadhg dall O Higgin cc' (in later ink). Indis rod a Rat Oiligh. 38 qq. TD no. 28.

106 . 'An fear cédna .cc.' (later ink). A Mhór cuimhnidh an cumond. 47 qq. in all (TD no. 15), 1 q. (TD §11) being added at p. 106 i in another hand and two others (TD §§26, 36) being substituted for each other at pp. 107 m, 108 m (§26 in different ink at p. 107, upper margin).

109 i. 'In fear cédna cc.' Cred anois fhuirgheas Éumann. 16 qq. TD no. 18.

111 . Creach Gaoidheal ég énduine. 40 qq. On the death of Aodh Mág Aonghusa.

114 m. lomda agra ar Ibh Eathoch. 36 qq.

117 .5. Nir iomchoir meisi mé fein. 22 qq. For Art Mág Aonghusa. Ed. from this MS by P. Walsh, IMN 1931, 41-3 and (with collation of RIA 3 C 13) by C. Ó Lochlainn, Éigse 2 (1940) 157-62.

118 m. O hEogasa cc. Atam accas iidir [sic] da comhairle. 14 qq. See E. Knott, Irish syllabic poetry (Dublin 1957) 72-7, 109-12. (Cf. p. 216 marg.)

120 .5. Mairg um dheaghaidh cenglas cumann. Crosántacht. See BM Cat. i, 113.

122 .4. Do cuirios mo dhoidh saninnir og do meaduig gloir fhlaithis De. 9 11. Ed. from this MS by C. Mhág Craith, An Sagart Earrach 1958, 4. Lower half of page blank.

123 (in non-Irish script). Rachad degin gan en ni ar mo sgáth so nfuacht. 1 st. Rest of pp. 123-4 occupied by miscellaneous scribbling. Bottom of leaf torn away.

125 . Ainic misi a Mhór. 31 qq.

126 m. Sgeal ar dhiamhuir na suirge. 9 qq. Beginning of q. 2 written before q. 1, then partly smudged. Dánta Grádha (1926) no. 7.

127 .2. Triallam go caislean [an] cheoil. 4 qq. Foll. by note: 'Mo bhendacht ar anmuin an tí do rinde na roind sin tsúas .i. Criostóir Fléimenn, et go madh slán don tí do sgríobh íad .i. Eoghan mhac Diarmada mo mhuighistir Gaoidheilge féin san leabhar sa anno 1628. Misi Sean Ó Farandán qui in illis diebus hunc possidebam'. Ed. from this MS by T. F. O'Rahilly, Measgra Dánta I (1927) 53 (note printed at p. 85); cf. Éigse 1 (1939) 123-4.

128 . Miscellaneous scribbling in Irish, English and Latin.

129 . Beith nát ailm deana. 1½ qq. In later hand; first 3 11. also occur lower down in hand of main scribe.

129 m. Dal Naoisi tre Deird[r]e ar ndál. 6 qq.

130 . Ó Gnimh. Do loiscceadh meisi sa Muaidh. 21 qq. Missing words in qq. 12-13 supplied by later hand, p. 130 i. Ed. from this MS by C. Ó Lochlainn, Éigse 5 (1947) 149-55.

131 i. idem. Cuimseach sin a Fhergail óig. 11 qq. To Fearghal Óg Mac an Bhaird. Ed. from this MS by O. J. Bergin, Studies 9 (1920) 261-3. See also p. 57 marg.

132 m. Taire riot a Riocoid oig. 57 qq. TD no. 22a. See also p. 230 m below.

137 m. O Gnimh [attribution in different ink]. Treisi aneagla iona anandsacht. 23 qq. Addressed to members of the Mac Domhnaill family. Ed. from this MS by P. Walsh, IER 31 (1938) 10-22 (=Irish chiefs and leaders (Dublin 1960) 67-81).

139 .4. Muiris og Mac in Bhaird. Deisi chatha chinn Ghaoidhiol. 19 qq. On an expected invasion of Ireland by Aodh Ó Néill. Cf. IMN 1928, 27.

140 m. Tadhg dall O Huiginn. Aoibhind anlása a Lunduind. 14 qq. TD no. 36.

141 m. Tadhg og O Huiginn. Cia dogebhoind go Gráine. 24 qq. Dioghluim Dána (1938) no. 76, Aithdioghluim Dána (1939) no. 13.

143 m. Flann og Macraith. Riú féine is inghill Ulltoigh. 41 qq.

146 m. Maolmuire Macraith. Ní triall corrach is cóir dAodh. 48 qq.

149 i. Conchabar ruadh Mac Conmidhe. Ciondas doroighfinn ri Oiligh. 36 qq. For Énrí Ó Néill.

[152] m. Each gan aradhoin anfhearg. 37 qq. Dioghluim Dána (1938) no. 88.

155 .4. Dorn eidir dhan is dasacht. 44 qq. Ibid. no. 84.

158 m. Do togbadh meirge Murchaidh. 48 qq. Ibid. no. 85.

162 . Ceithre hionntuntais Eirionn. 5 qq. See BM Cat. ii, 373.

162 m. Mochean doit a Ghraine gharbh. 16 qq. TD no. 33.

163 m. Cia is sine cairt ar chrich Néill. 40 qq.

166 m. Slán dona saoithibh sealga. 30 qq.

168 m. 'Mac Chearbuill buidhe Uí Dhálaigh cc. .i. sgolb is Érinn' (title in two different (later) hands). Aithnigh anccrichsi achland Neill. 30 qq. See BM Cat. i, 362.

170 m. Gofraidh Fionn [later ink]. Maith an locht airdriog hóige. 35 qq. Dioghluim Dána (1938) no. 105.

173 . Gluais atheasgoire (?) teitt siar. 11 qq.

173 i. Tógoibh eadratt is Eire. 56 qq. TD no. 1.

177 m. Truagh mo dhal re deich laitibh. 9 ll., containing portions of 9 qq. (about 3 11. of each). Dánta Grádha (1926) no. 40.

178 . Foroire Uladh ar Aodh. 32 qq. Dioghluim Dána (1938) no. 96.

180 .6. Braon re dubhadh diomdho De. 37 qq. Faded and illegible in places. Aithdioghluim Dána (1939) no. 84.

183 . Lamh dhearg Eiriond Ibh Eathoch. 37 qq. See TD i, xvii-xviii.

185 i. Do bhrisios bhearnoidh ar Bhrían. 38 qq. Dioghluim Dána (1938) no. 82.

188 m. Cúaine rioghna rug Eadan. 27 qq.

190 m. Eoghan Macraith. Slán arna marbhadh mac Dé. 42 qq. Aithdioghluim Dána (1939) no. 78.

193 m. Fuigheall beandacht bru Mhoire. 37 qq. Ibid. no. 49.

196 m. Eiseirghe dar eirigh Dia. 37 qq. Ed. from the Book of Fermoy by O. J. Bergin, Ériu 4 (1910) 112-19.

199 .6. Diarmoitt Mhac in Bhairtt. Fada atu anaghoidh mhanmo. 25 qq. Aithdioghluim Dána (1939) no. 56.

201 . [Aonghas Ó Dálaigh. Maith [mo] choimirce ar cóir nDé.] Acephalous owing to loss of leaf. Beg. here Cumoirche an dara cridhe. 11 qq. Ed. from other MSS by L. M'Kenna, Dánta do chum Aonghus Fionn Ó Dálaigh (Dublin and London 1919) no. XXIV.

201 i. O Ruanadha. Foráois na horchra Ibh Eathoch. 42 qq. Much faded and partly illegible.

204 i. idem. Me fein ménbhraidhisi ar Aodh. 22 qq. Lower half of p. 206 blank.

207 . Eirgidh atuata de nadh dis (?). 4 qq. Rest of page blank.

208-9. Miscellaneous scribbling in Latin and Irish.

210 . Latin couplet, beg. Nescio quid sit amor. Foll. by (M?)óir do radas gradh baoth. 1½ 11.

210 .4. Esga ar nglanadh grás Muire. 12 qq. Aithdioghluim Dána (1939)  no. 93. Lower half of p. 211 taken up with miscellaneous scribblings.

212 . La dhuinne ar Shliabh Fuad. 14 qq. Ed. from other MSS by B. Ó Dubhthaigh, Éigse 9 (1958) 34-52, where it is regarded as an eighteenth-century composition.

213-16. Miscellaneous scribblings (see above).

217 . [Tochmharc Farbhlaidhe.] Beg. Dia mbaoi Sémas mhac Torcuill aríghe Alban giolla saor idir cruth ⁊ ceill ⁊ ceinel an Semas sin. Ends (p. 230 ni) conadh e bas C. et F. go nuige sin. Finis. Amén. Tabhradh gacaon leighfes an scéalso bennacht ar anmain anti ro scriobh e, ni beg sin don monaidhsoin, ⁊ na dearmadedh Cearball ⁊ Farblaith gu brath. Ed. from this MS by P. Walsh, IMN 1928, 26-45. For two poems from this tale, see A 4, last leaf.

230 m. Miscellaneous scribblings, incl. (a) Muire mor mor muilech. 2 qq. (b) T[aire] riot a Riocaird oig. 1 q. See p. 132 m.