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MS 23 A 4

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Royal Irish Academy


23 A 4

Medical Treatises.

16th (?) and 17th cent. Paper. 5½ × 4½. Pp. 178 (but the pagination passes from 3 to 5 and omits two pages after 110 : consequently the last page is numbered 177). Halfbound in mottled boards. Former Academy number 215. Part i, pp. 1-139, earlier than pt. ii, is undated: the scribe, Aodh Ó Cendamain, signs on p. 81. Part ii, pp. 140-end, was written in blue ink on inferior paper by Baothghalach Ó Fearghusa in 1656 in Co. Donegal (p. 171). At foot of p. 79 are two lines signed Peadar Ó Conuill. The MS. is on the whole in fair condition, but the end of part ii has suffered from damp and exposure. P. 52 has an illuminated heading.

Part i.


1 - 64 . Contain an imperfect copy of Aegidius, De Urinarum Judiciis with Irish commentary, beg. Dicitur urina quoniam fit in renibus una. The leaves are in confusion; the true sequence is: (part i) pp. 52 - 61 , 12 - 31 , 1 - 11 , 32 - 40 ; (part ii) pp. 41 - 51 (a gap), 62 - 65 , ending Et si sedimen est nigrum . . . singnum est mortis (with Irish rendering). There is a complete copy in 449, ff. 74 - 122 . This version contains both the Latin text of Aegidius and Irish commentary, whereas that in 447, p. 168 , seq.. has only Latin headings, and the commentary differs somewhat. The Latin headings in this ms. are rubricated.

65 , 1. 6. Treatise on the colours of urine, beg. Urina ruffa significat sanitatem, .i. an fual ruadh foillsigh se in tslainti, as in 447, p. 124 , seq. Ends on p. 81 , ⁊ anuair uís etrum .... arna leigin leisin bfual dorchaide ⁊ dobeir rann do dath in luaighe. After this follows a note by the scribe: “Beannacht agat a Carpre o Aodh O Cendamain. anocht oidqi feil Brenuinn a air ma atu."

81 , Last half of page, in a different and smaller hand, is occupied by Latin aphorisms with Irish versions.

82 - 123 . Treatise beg. Urina est columentum sanguinis et humorum. This is also found in Add. 15, 582 ; see B.M. Catal. i. 275, where it is entitled Liber Urinarum Theophili. It is based on AEgidius, de Ur. Jud. Other copies in T.C.D., 1357, p. 31, seq., and in 447, 140, seq., 168, seq.

85 . Ataid .xx. dath uis arin bfual = 447, 142 = 1357, 32.

90 . Fual bán na fobán = 447, 146 = 1357, 35. On colours of urine.

102 . De chaindigeacht an fuail andso = 447, 159 = 1357, 43.

104 , 1. 1. Dona corpuibh uhís is in fual = 447, 161 y (4 lines only) = 1357, 44.

The treatise so far corresponds to part i of AEgidius: what follows corresponds to part ii. In 447 the two parts are separated by other matter intervening.

104 , 1. 5. Laurum ar dtus do chircuil = 447, 168 = 1357, 44.

108 , 1. 1. "De gran[ul]is" = 447, 170 = 1357, 46.

111 , 1. 8. "De nube umbrosa" = 447, 171 = 1357, 48.

116 . "Arena in urina" = 447, 176 = 1357, 51.

123 . "De sedimine illaudabili" = 447, 183 = 1357, 56. Ends incomplete : foillsig an easlainti do beith righin agus . . .

124 . A number of aphorisms in Latin and Irish.

125 . Mainly blank.

126 . At top, a few lines about Hippocrates of Cos, the be­ginning lost.

126 , 1. 7, to end of 127. Latin verses, beg. Uer tibi dat florem, and aphorisms, Latin and Irish.

124 - 127 . Are much worn and partly illegible.

128 - 139 double columns). AEgidius, De Pulsibus, beg. Cor uíte sedes, with Irish commentary. Ends imperfect : in croicinn ar uachtar in phuls.

Part ii.

140 . Short tract on epilepsy and its cure, ill written in a 17th century hand on bad paper. Beg. Epilientia est humiditas currens uentriculos cerebrum implens. Ends on p. 143, ar son gurub leo is minica leighister in galar so 7rl.

144 . Another treatise beg. Ataid tri hernail ar an leighes a rad generalta do reir Iohannes de S .i. leighes claoch laighech ⁊ leighes fosduigthech ⁊ leighes lacach. Treats of oils, ointments and pills, ending on p. 171 : Unguentum sandalinum . . . doní an bel deaghbhalaid ⁊ an croicinn deaghdatha. This is followed by a note on apostema melancholicum, after which comes a colophon : "A ccoige Uladh damh a cconndae Dhun na nGall ar sgriobadh inn colleccion bhig so ⁊ tabradh gach aon leighfis bennacht ar ainm inn te do scriob so. Aois an tiagerna 1656. Baothalach o Feraossa."

The last three leaves, mainly illegible, contain several prayers by this scribe. On p. 175 he signs "Baothalach O Fearghus."