Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in King's Inns
MS 10
Religious Matter.
15th cent. Vellum. 20.5-21×14.5 cms (ff. 25-6 and conjuncts, 29-30, 19.5×14.5 cms; f. 46 approx. 14×14.5 cms; f. 55 about 7 cms wide). Ff. 60, with modern pencilled foliation. Gatherings: 1-8, 9-10, 11-16, 17-23, 24-31, 32-45, 47-54, 55-7, 58-60 (bifolium); f. 46 loose half-leaf belonging between pp. 8 and 9 of RIA 23 O 4; f. 59 misplaced and belonging before f. 10; leaves missing before and after 9, before 17 (conjugate of 23), between 19 and 20, and obviously from last two gatherings.
Three hands: (a) ff. 1-8 v, 57 c 16-58 v, 60 r (verso illegible); (b)ff. 9 r-16 v, 59; (c) ff. 17 r-57 c 15; with a fourth hand appearing briefly in ff. 7 d m-8 a i. Some variation in hand (c); see also p. xvii n. 58 above.
Double columns except in f. 41 r 1-16, 55; 40-50 lines to column; dry-point ruling; ornamental initials and capitals, generally coloured in red, sometimes in red and yellow (initials on ff. 58 a 1, 60 a 1, uncoloured). First and last leaves, used as covers, now blackened and illegible (traces of some letters and red colouring still visible on f. 1 r); ff. 16 v, 17 r, also seem to have been exposed for some time. Text faded and illegible in many places; some re-inking (e.g. f. 6 r i). Ff. 1, 16, 26, 29 r, 47, 54-5, 57, 60, damaged with loss of text; damage in f. 56 repaired with thread. Outside column of f. 55 cut away without loss of text; f. 54 consists of two strips of vellum sewn together vertically. Gatherings now coming loose; stitched with thongs and (later) with twine.
Labelled '10' on f. 1 r, upper inner corner. Words '56 leaves' on f. 1 r i. Some words underlined in pencil in ff. 2 v, 3 r, 32 v. Late writing on a number of folios rubbed and illegible. Words 'Amhoil Conaire [ ]t' on f. 10 v, upper margin; name 'Shanly' (?) occurs in sentence on f. 40 v, lower margin; other marginal scribblings largely illegible.
1 v. [STAIR FORTIBRAIS.] Acephalous; recto illegible and upper outer corner torn. First complete lines read [d\ena cunsanadh. Oir ni leicfe Dia co caitheochthasa ris ⁊ aguassaighe ataei fein ⁊ ni tabraimsi in cedsin duit. Breaks off (f. 8 d i) with Et tainic Clarion in tansin cuca .i. mac meic dAm[. . .]. [=RC 19 (1898) 26.2-158.15.]
9 a 1. 'Tindscaindter and so EIBISDIL TUIRPINUS AIRDESBUIG arna cur go Leoprandus da innisin c(h?)innus do shaer Serlus mor talamh na Sbaine ⁊ na Gailingsi o nert na Sairresinech.' Beg. Beatha ⁊ slainti annso o Thuirpinus airdesbug Remus ⁊ companuch Serluis moir impir gu Leoprandus deaganach Aquis Grainis. Ends (f. 11 a i) ⁊ roba naemtha noibre fuaradur so cona cathaigteoirib naemtha gloir maille Dia finit. Chasm in text owing to loss of leaves after f. 9; f. 59 (reversed) belongs before f. 10 (see above). Text here corresponds to D. Hyde, Gabháltais Shéarluis Mhóir (ITS XIX 1919) 1-8.17 (f. 9), 70.1-80.12 (f. 59), 94.3-112.8 (ff. 10-11a). Text of f. 9 a 1-d 19 printed separately, ITS XIX (1919) 122-3.
11 b 1. [SPIRITUS GUIDONIS.] Beg. Dominus noster Ihesus Christus uolens fidem suam ⁊uite future sertitudinem ostendere ⁊ firmiter credere .i. dobáil le ar tigerna. . . . Ends (f. 15 a i) et guighsi orumsa annois aprioir co dutrachtach oir atam ac imthecht anois cum intshentruim .i. cum na purgadóra coitchinne ⁊ nifaicfaidir me oso amac festa .⁊rl.
15 b 1. 'Incipit UITA SANCTORUM CIRICI ⁊ IULITE matris eius' .i. is ann so tinnsgaintir betha onorach naemtha Ciricius ⁊ a máthar naemtha .i. Iulite. Breaks off (f. 16 d i) Adubairt in timpir [. . .].
17 a 1. [BETHA PHÁTRAIC.] A fragment. Beg. leis dia thig coa muime Is and sin rorraid [. . .]brosna crinaig do tabairt [=W. Stokes, Three Middle Irish homilies . . . (Calcutta 1877) 6.20]. Breaks off (f. 19 d i) with ri arordan ⁊ cumachta imcuibreach ⁊ imtuasl. The recto of f. 17 is largely illegible. Text of ff. 17 c 1-19 d i printed by R. I. Best, Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts 3 (1910) 29-42. This is the shorter version of the Vita Tripartita; see K. Mulchrone, ZCP 16 (1927) 7-15, 33.
20 a 1. [BEATHA BRIGTE.] Acephalous. Beg. here nirbo ord coir grad epscuip for bandscail [=Stokes, op. cit., 66.8]. Ends (f. 21 d 34) Indoentaid na trínnoiti forórdhu. Athar ⁊ Mic ⁊ Spiruta noib. Aleim troccaire De. Amen. This is the first Irish Life of Brigit in Plummer's classification (Misc. hag. Hib. (1925) no. 11).
21 d 35. [BETHA CHOLUIM CHILLE.] Beg. Exii de terra tua . . . .i. facaib do tir ⁊ do talmain. . . . Ends (f. 26 a 29) coro roisium uile innaentaid sin rosairlem ⁊ rosaitrebam in saecula saeculorum Amen. This is the first Irish Life of Colum Cille in Plummer's classification (Misc. hag. Hib. (1925) no. 26).
26 a 30. Carta HUMANI GENERIS. Beg. Bith afhis agut iarum cidhbe lenabáil in leborsa do leghadh da shuilib spirutalta. Ends (f. 28 a 28) in tí do rinde gac ní [ga]n adbur. Finit Amen. Ed. from this and two other manuscripts by G. Mac Niocaill, Éigse 8 (1956-7) 204-221.
28 a 29. STIMULUS AMORIS ANNSO. Beg. Liber iste qui stimulus amoris indilectisimum ⁊ pium Ihesum ....i. is andso tinnscainter inlebur renabor brod grada De ah[ugda]rás Bonauentura. Ends (f. 32 b i) ⁊ mar sin nach racha me uait gan cneid arenchor ⁊rl.
32 c 1. On St Fursa. Beg. Beda de sancto Forseo refert qui scripsit uitam eius .i. ise Beda ro scriph beatha Fursa craibthig ⁊idir gac ní doscrip itpert condebairt in taingel re Fursa. . . . Ends (f. 32 c 37) ⁊ gurab doréir nacaíndigechta do peccaigh neach do reir athoile corpardha do geib se caindigecht lasairdha na pian .⁊rl.
32 c i. Note: 'Gregorius dixit in prouerbsi. Terrena quippe omnia seruando amittimus sicut bene largiendo seruamus .i. is ona coimed teid in saegal ar neimfní ⁊ is ona sgailedh co maith coimedtar he. Finit'.
32 d 1. Two anecdotes of St Colmcille: 'Do crabaid Coluim Cille .i. dá c. slectain do níth cech laei. . .'. Foll, by Teora bliadna boi cen lés. 1 q. (b) f. 32 d 12. Beg. Lanaen diatainic Colum .C. atimcill reilge Airní. . . . Ends (f. 32 d 31) co tarfas do Colum Cilli adnacal in abad naemtha tria rath faistine. Finit. Remainder of column (originally blank) taken up with late scribbling. Ed. P. Grosjean, Irish Texts 4 (1934) 98.
33 a 1. GEINEMAIN CHRÍOST (title in later hand). Homily on birth of Christ. 'Laus Deo inprincio [sic] huius' in upper margin. Beg. Factum est autem inillis diebus. . . . Doronadh immurro fherfhuacra is nalaithib sein o Cessair August, coro comairmithi intuile domun. Ends (f. 36 b 39) Alme trocaire nDe ⁊ Issu Críst rogenair ar insollomonsa. Ro issam ro aitrebam indoentaid sin insecuI [sic] seculorum Amen. Remainder of column (originally blank) occupied by some scribbling which has been erased.
36 c 1. On the passion of Christ. Beg. Omno dicto exierunt in montem Oliueti. Occus oro scaich do Issu cona apstalaib atlugad do cuadar i Sliab nOlofeit. Ends (f. 39 c i) Intan immurro issiat naduile marbda rochomset in coimdid is coru co mor dona beoaib .⁊rl.
39 d 1. ESERGE (title in later hand). Homily on the Resurrection. Beg. Uespere autem sabati. ... I fescur immurro na saboiti taitnes itassach na na [sic] saboiti . tainic ann sin Maire Magdalla ⁊ Maire aile do fegod in dadnacuil. Ends (f. 42 d 41) .i. betha cen bas . óigi cen tshendcit . slanti cen galar .foeilti cen bron. Remainder of column blank.
43 a 1. [Gospel of Nicodemus.] Ero mors tua mors oinferne. In Spirut Noeb in spirut do roisce cech spirut. Ends (f. 45 b i) Flaith sin ita bethu cen bas. . . . Alim troccuire nDe cotissam uile isindoentaid sin ro airilltnigem in scecvla saeculorum Amen FINIT Amen.
45 c 1. The death of John the Baptist. Beg. Bai Eoin Babtaist hi cuimriuch la hlruath. Ends (f. 45 d i) inna mirboile dognitis cech [. . .] cend loin ⁊rl.
46 . [SPECULUM PECCATORIS.] A fragment from RIA 23 O 4 (see above). Beg. integusc dil gradhach so tabuir dot uidh é ⁊ feith co comhnaightec oshuilib do resuin he. Breaks off with 7 is fuirecair inill feithmec dochoimedfa thú fein ⁊ do smuainfea donethe.
47 a 1. The death of St Philip the Apostle. Beg. Bai Philip apstal fri re .xx. mbliadan iar cessad Críst icproicept isin Scithia. Ends (f. 47 b 30) atiatsen creitit rige ind Athar ⁊ in Mic ⁊ in Spirut a Noib. Finit Amen.
47 b 31. On charity. Beg. Omnia ergo quecumque uultis. . . Cech maith didiu isail lib dodenam odainib coma hamlaid sin do gneithisi doib. Ends (f. 48 c i) In nomine patris ⁊ filii ⁊ spiritus sancti amen. Ailem trocaire De ⁊ co tardai imcride indeirc do denam .⁊rl.
48 d 1. On St Martin of Tours. Beg. Nemo potest duobus dominis seruire ... .i. ni cumaing duine fognam do dib tighernaib. Ends (f. 51 a 22) Alem trocaire tria impidi Martain cotísum isin noentaid sin. in saecula seculorum amen.
51 a 23. On the life of the Blessed Virgin. Beg. Terra dedit fructum suum .i. dorat intalum atorud. Ends (f. 54 b 16) Ro issam huile in noentaidhsin ⁊ rosraitrebum insaecula saeculorum amen.
54 b 17. The passion of St Paul. Beg. Dia mbui Pol apstal hicuibriuch ic Neir Cessair isin Roim. Ends (f. 54 c 38) 7 nir sil baindi eistib don fuil cédna osin ille. Finit amen.
54 c 39. The contest between David and Goliath. Beg. Bui Dauid mac Iese ri tuaithi De flaith uasal airmidnech fer is amrae taraill talmain. Ends (f. 55 r i) conidh iarna eccaibsidhi rogab Dauid righi conadh céd comlann Dauid andsin ⁊ aidhidh Gola Finit amen.
55 v 1. INCIPIT LIBER CENTILLARUM. Divisions: 'De caritate' (55 v 3); 'De pasiencia' (55 v 31); 'De dilexione Dei' (56 a 12); 'De umiletate' (56 a 34); 'De indulgencia' (56 b 12); 'De conjunction' (56 b 27); 'De oracione' (56 c 1); 'De confessione' (56 c 29); 'De penetencia' (56 d 15); 'De apstinencia' (56 d 36); 'De relinquenti seculum' (57 a 5); 'De timore' (57 a 17); 'De uirginetate' (57 a 35); 'De silencia' (57 b 27).
57 c 16. DA INDSA DÉCC INTSHAEGAIL INDSO. The twelve abuses of the world. Beg. Senoir gen crabaid. Ends (f. 57 c 24) Popol cen cert ndlighidh crabhaidhi accosncm caich Finit.
57 c 25. On changes introduced into the Mass by various Popes. Beg. Aurelianus Papa is he do rinde catháir espuicc artus riam. Ends (f. 57 ci) ⁊ ise do ordaigh donatimthirib nach bi fo gradhuib uaisle na hecailsi gan na hinnstramainti (?) sin do togbhail do thshír .⁊rl.
57 d 1. 'Cormac mac Cuilendan .cc.' (in upper margin). Laigh aicnidh. 8 qq. with 2 further quatrains (to be inserted between qq. 4 and 5) in lower margin.
57 d 21. DA (?) CEINEL [DÉC] NAHAITHRIGI INDSO. Twelve kinds of penance. Beg. .i. saethar iar nminges. Ends (f. 57 d 27) Trocaire iar nettrocaire.
57 d 28. SECHT NEIRRNAILE NA TROCAIRE INSO. Beg. .i. sasadh don ocarach Ends (f. 57 d 32) 7 adnacol marb Finit.
57 d 33 (largely illegible, (a) Seacht mbeoil nár g[ein tró]caire .i. bel irr bel duine shantaigh .... (b) 57 d 38. Cist dorinde corgus inneir[. . .] do rinde in gemcorgus [. . .] rinde corgus nanapstal.
58 a 1. On the life of St John the Evangelist in Asia. Beg. De fide beati Iohanis Euangiliste ....i. mar do ib Eoin Bruinne in neimh ⁊ nach derna urchoid do le treisi acreidme. Ends (f. 58 c 30) .i. ata an mannasin fos isin uaig mar gainem ac fiuchad an uisce tobuir. F.I.N.I.TT.
58 c 31. incidents in the life of St John. Beg. A round indomuin ic nahasptalaib tuccad in Asia Becc dEoin Suibescél. Ends (f. 58 d 18) corobaire sin do scrib Eoin na soiscéla doib [do] crichnachad increidme. F.I.N.I.TT. Remainder of column blank.
59 . See under f. 9 above.
60 a 1. [BERTHA HIRE ÉIGEAPTACDHA.] Beg. Muire Ebeptdha nec do bi na bainpecthach artús. Bottom of leaf torn and verso illegible. This belongs to recension A in Plummer's classification (Misc. hag. Hib. (1925) no. 347).